.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday 5 May 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #27: 28/04/2013

Welcome to yet another Weekly News Round-Up! It's been a pretty normal week, but I think it's finally hit all of us that exams are literally a couple of weeks away. Oh dear. Anyways, let's get started...

Monday form time was slightly uneventful. We got given student surveys, where most of the questions were asked twice but in a different wording. Because it was such a dry activity, ArwaChihuahua decided to make it more interesting, for the people who would be reading them, and drew a picture of a rag doll saying, 'help me'. I agree with Wicks that it was slightly freaky.

Our first lesson of the week was History. Somehow, the topic of barcode cats cropped up. I think it was ConscienceSarah who said it would be cool to have a stripey cat that would perhaps be recognised at the till in a supermarket...?!

In book news, Wicks and Master have both started reading 'A Game of Thrones' by George R.R. Martin this week. And yes, it could mean that they will be doing a double review of it some time in the future on the Book Blog... ;)

When we got to the middle of the week, we had a rather interesting assembly, complete with a marginally interesting dance and a less interesting emergency drill. With the new emergency assembly area being the field, someone asked what would happen if the grass was on fire. In that particular scenario, we wouldn't be doing too well.

I think it's fair to say that Thursday was overall a day of great timing.
Scenario #1: In German, ANT tried to remove the clip of a pen. It was a bit of a struggle, but ANT was so determined that she even said at one point, "This will be the last thing I do if I die." Five minutes later, she says to Master, "I will get this off, I guarantee it." And right after she said it, hey presto, the clip flies off. ANT claims that she had no idea that it would do that. Currently, due to its fantastic spinning qualities, the pen clip is used as the 'Ultimate Decider'. In the event of an argument, the clip is spun and whoever it points to is correct. Sorted.
Scenario #2: At lunch, ArwaChihuahua asks where Ruby and Wicks are. Right after the words leave her mouth, they walk around the corner, as if summoned.

In that same lunchtime, they had a discussion about hell and hel again. They fantasised that perhaps heaven is like the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter. This brought on ideas that everyone got their plot of land in heaven and there were portals where you could go visit other people. Somehow, the topic took a turn and a more obscure idea was thrown around: what if the method of your death became your special power in heaven? For example, if you died in a fire on the field, your power in heaven would be fire. By the end of lunch, ANT was trying to find faults in the system and, consequently, Master got rather metaphorical in counter-acting ANT's comments.

Some of you may remember Wicks and Master's conversation about Adventuring Shoes and meeting at Dustbin Corner. Previously, Master had forgotten twice about the meeting (let's be fair, Wicks also did it once ;), so this Thursday, to ensure that the mistake is not made again, Master wrote the letters 'D.C.' on her hand. However, after a moment, the skin had become slightly raised, therefore giving the impression that it was tattooed on! At least Master didn't forget ;p [For those concerned, it was just biro and came off easily with soap and water.]

In Friday's Physics lesson, the main door to the classroom was locked. Additionally, it was hailing outside. This obviously called for the members of the class, who got into the room via the back door, to initiate lockdown. This meant closing all the blinds and shutting the back door. Pretty serious stuff.

To round off the week, ANT and Master have been getting rather competitive in racing to the door at the end of a lesson. Usually ANT waits for Master, but after a chance incident, where Master got out before ANT, it has brought about a whole new level of competition. Let's just say that it has gotten to the point that they both have their eyes on the door as soon as the bell goes. Fun times ;p

Until next week, have a good one :)

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