.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Monday 28 January 2013

MouseMouseMonday #21: Films 2013 - Part 1


So, I've got 8 highy-anticipated movies to talk about, but it'll be difficult to fit them all in one post. We'll look at 4 today and then have the other 4 next Monday! How does that sound? Let's get started :)

First up, 'The Host'!
Based on Stephenie Meyer's best-seller, this adaptation looks pretty promising. Take a look at the trailer:
'The Host' is set to be released in cinemas on 29th March.
Website: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/thehost_movie.html

Secondly...'Iron Man 3'
After two incredibly successful 'Iron Man' films, hopefully they're onto another winner. Here's the trailer:
All rather exciting, eh? 'Iron Man 3' will be released on 26th April.
Website: http://marvel.com/ironman3

Next, we have 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters'
Well, that's a rather long title, but still, after the first movie, I can't wait to see this one. So far not a lot has been given away as it's still quite a way from being released, so we've just gotta be patient...
'Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters' will be released on 16th August (gosh, that sounds like a long time).

And finally for today, 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones'!
So, Wicks just lent me the book, and I must say it is pretty good so far. I know many are eagerly awaiting this movie (especially Wicks), so whilst we wait, let's roll the trailer:
'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' is set to be released on 23rd August (a week after Percy Jackson!)
Website: http://www.themortalinstrumentsmovie.com/

Well, that's it for today, but tune in next week for part 2, featuring Ender's Game, Thor, The Hunger Games and The Hobbit! See you then :)

Sunday 27 January 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #16: 20/01/2013

So, what's been going on this week, I hear you ask...

Now before we start, I thought I'd mention that I have been making very good use of the Blog Book (y'know, the one that Wicks got me for Xmas. It's like a log book, but for the blog). I must admit that it is most handy ;p

Well, this week we have had quite a bit of snow, starting from Monday, it had a bit of a rest during the middle of the week but then it started snowing again on Friday. In fact, it is snowing as I write this :) But still, we have not had a snow day yet. However, that doesn't mean it stopped people from getting up to various antics. The other morning before school, Master stopped KrazyK (ANT's bro) and his gang throwing snowballs at the side of the school building. Why, I hear you ask, I have not the foggiest of ideas (not the best weather reference, but hey).

On Tuesday, Wicks, ArwaChihuahua and Master discussed what Wicks would like for her birthday. They came to the conclusion that anything from a patisserie would be fine.

Also, Wicks decided to share with us ArwaChihuahua's personal statement (it happened that they were writing eachother's statements). It must be said that it was most revelatory as it portrayed ArwaChihuahua as secretive on most topics apart from her sexuality.

After PE on that day, ANT accompanied Master to her locker. It chanced on that day that someone had put chewing gum on Master's lock. Naturally, Master was disgusted at the fact that someone had done this, which resulted in her having to wipe it off with a tissue. Meanwhile, ANT found this incident most amusing, stating that it had officially "made her life" (Of course, along with the whole 'yacht' thing).

Wednesday saw the principal giving a very important assembly on a most serious topic: fire. I think it holds a message for all of us that although fire can be a provider of warmth and light, it can also be extremely dangerous.

Onto lighter subjects, ANT and Wadz had a little verbal battle at lunchtime, where ANT asked Wadz if she had read this blog recently. This lead to a full-on argument, which brought up ANT's little 'Evanescence' incident (Instead of saying it as you would normally, ANT pronounced it as [e-va-seen]).

On Thursday, we talked a bit about exam questions. Sometimes they just seem so ridiculous, other times they try to be multi-cutural when naming their characters.

The best thing that happened all week was when we had an hour-long assembly led by this awesome guy who was teaching us how to revise. Always remember, have a revision buddy and learn things in 3's or 5's.

Until next week, have a good one :)

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 7

"There are 4 possible outcomes: smooth & smooth, wrinkly & smooth, smooth & wrinkly, and wrinkly & wrinkly."
- Ken

Story behind quote:
In Biology, they were learning about Mendel and his work with peas. Whatta quote. Enough said.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 6

"...so everyone else was just joining in with the general post-film chit-chat, but where's ANT?"
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
After going to see 'Les Misrables' at the weekend, Wicks explained how ANT just happened to disappear straight away. Turns out she was in the foyer waiting for them all ;p

Friday 25 January 2013

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 5

"Well, Tom has been doing reasonably well in his 'How to form an evil scheme' class, however could improve..."
- H.W. J.C.

Story behind quote:
Wicks and Master were discussing how sometimes villains in films and books can ruin the whole story as they are just simply not bad enough. For example, Wicks criticised Voldemort as being 'borderline poor' as he makes some pretty big mistakes. This led to them devising a plan for a villain school, where villains can train to be evil. The equivalent of parents' evening could be 'heroes evening', where villains and their respective heroes have a little chat with their subject teachers. This is how they imagined one of their conversations to go...

Thursday 24 January 2013

Smashed 9000 views!

Wow! I can't believe the surge in reviews has managed to land us beyond 9000! This is crazy, and it wouldn't have been possible without every one of you reading this blog! Thank you so much, this means the world and I hope you continue to enjoy reading :D
Please can the 9000th viewer comment on this post to get a mention in the 'Hall of Fame'. Thanks :)

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 4

"...just excuse me for one moment...yes my lord?!"
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
Wicks and Master discussed the use of the tattoo that all Deatheaters (followers of Voldemort) have. Apparently it can be used to summon other Deatheaters, but the two thought that it was rather unnecessary as they could just ring eachother up on the phone. Then Wicks imagined a Deatheater taking a moment out of their day-to-day life to speak to the Dark Lord...

Happy Birthday, Wicks!!!

Birthday wishes to Simon Wicks! Hope you have a fantastic day :)

Here's a pic of the cake that Master made for Wicks:

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Avengers Poll...please vote!

Hey guys!

The other day, Wicks and Master had a little discussion in their PE lesson that eventually had them to pondering about who their favourite Marvel Avenger is. They also wondered whether or not there would be an equal number of fans for each Avenger. So, to test out this hypothesis, a poll has been created on this blog, so please go and vote! It will be interesting to find out what different people think. Thanks :)
[The poll can be found on the right-hand side of the page.]

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 3

"With only 2 minutes in between. Doctor's appointment. Doctor's appointment cancelled."
- A.A. H.W.

Story behind quote:
We discuss how it must have seemed on the registration form when ArwaChihuahua went for a doctor's appointment but came back 2 minutes later as it was cancelled.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 2

"What is the meaning of life? Make sure to leave your answer in surd form."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT posed this question to us one day whilst Master was revising for an exam. The closest answer that Wicks came to was in terms of π. Not a bad effort ;p

Monday 21 January 2013

Wicks' Week of Quotes: Day 1

Master: "It's not a sandwich though."
Wicks: *The Look*
- H.W. J.C.

Story behind quote:
Wicks calls a wrap a sandwich, so Master decides to correct her. In annoyance of Master's pedanticness, Wicks gives 'The Look'. I guess Master deserved it.

[Note: 'The Look' is one which is significant as it cannot be mistaken for any other. It is an action which says, 'Did you really have to say that?' without the use of words.]

Sunday 20 January 2013

A special Quote Week dedicated to Simon Wicks

Next week, on Thursday 24th January, it is Simon Wicks' birthday! As she often expresses her love of Quote Weeks, it has been decided that starting from tomorrow we shall have a week of quotes in her honour! Get excited :)

Weekly News Round-Up #15: 13/01/2013

Hello everyone, we are officially back in action! I hope you all had a fantastic new year and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us all :)

Speaking of the new year, it seems some of us were a little disappointed. ANT went to a firework display on New Year's Eve but complained afterwards that they didn't count down and the church bells seemed to have gone mute. Never mind, there's always next year ;)

This week we have had an exam or two, and there are more to come next week for many, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet...

Monday was a nice day, to say the least. Our discussion topic at lunchtime was Disney movies (yes, it's starting to sound like history lessons with DisneyLoverMolly and ConscienceSarah). We went around everyone asking what their favourite movie was, but the catch was you couldn't say 'Lion King'. Overall, we had a range from 'Beauty and the Beast' to 'Up'. What's your favourite Disney movie?

As you may know, this week has been Quote Week. However, many have complained about the quote that had been dragged out for 3 days. It appears that we agree 3 days is far too long and 2 should be the maximum. I hereby formally apologize to all who were  inconveniences and will strive to never do it again.

Due to exams, there was no assembly this week, but we shall eagerly anticipate the next one ;p

Thursday proved to be a day of confusion for Master. It seemed that she suffered from unknown causes which lead her to say stuff and then immediately forget that she said it. Oh dear.

However, Friday was most certainly Master's off day: after agreeing to escort Wicks to the Maths office, she went on her own after contemplating  if she should wait for Wicks! I must admit it was a truly outrageous thing to do. And so, for the second time in this week's round-up, I apologize on behalf of Master to Wicks for the betrayal.

Our Friday lunchtime discussion topic was hell (no, I don't mean it was unbearable, it was literally 'hell'). To briefly summarize, ANT asked if you had your own dormitory in the fiery pits, Wicks experimented with different ways of saying hell (yes, there is more than one way: "hellllll" - Wicks), and then we questioned whether or not you could gradually work your way back up to heaven by doing good things in hell. Now, you may be wondering how we started this discussion. It was when someone who Wicks particularly dislikes was brought up. Wicks dislikes him so much that if she had to choose someone to take her place in hell, she would pick this person (and no, it's not Master because of the Maths office).

Until next week, have a good one :)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

ConscienceSarah's Limerick...

Whilst in her English lesson, ConscienceSarah got a little bored and decided to do something productive that was related to English, so she wrote this limerick:

There once was an English Top Set
Whose deadlines would never be met
Miss screamed in frustration
And caused such vexation
That all of their seats became wet!

Sunday 13 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 7

"If everything is fire, how do you know who you are?"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
One of the week's biggest lunchtime topics: hell. Whilst discussing all the different aspects of hell, ANT decided it would be a good idea to ask this question...

Saturday 12 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 6

"What's secrecy?"
- D.B.

Story behind quote:
A common mistake that people make, pronounce secrecy as [sec-ra-see].

Friday 11 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 5

"That has got to be the driest program!"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT's opinion on a diving show (no pun intended).

Thursday 10 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 4

Day 2: "Stakeholders..."
Day 3: "...resources..." (re-zorse)
Day 4: "...Geography is by far the meatiest subject!"
- A.W.

Story behind quote:
Pretty self-explanatory. I think we all agree with you, Wadz ;p

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 3

Day 2: "Stakeholders..."
Day 3: "...resources..." (re-zorse)
- A.W.

Story behind quote:
Come back tomorrow for the last part of this quote :)

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 2

- A.W.

Story behind quote:
Stay tuned for the next part of this quote tomorrow!

Monday 7 January 2013

Quote Week: January - Day 1

"Have you got any 2's?"
- M.C.

Story behind quote:
On the last day of term, Master and a bunch of good friends were having a game of 'Go Fish' (the card game, for those of you who are not familiar with it). So, it was near the end of the game, where there was only one set of cards between Cole and Master. If I remember correctly, it was the 'Queens'. It was Cole's turn and it was pretty obvious what he had to ask for, but here's the moral of this story: Cole accidentally asked for 2's instead of 'Queens' (I don't know how he managed to make that mistake, especially as the pile of 2's were right in front of him). This gave Master the chance to win the set.
Well, there you have it. And the lesson was: Always pay attention.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Goodbye Christmas Corner...

I guess this is goodbye for Christmas Corner for this year. It's gone by in such a flash, don't you think?

January Quote Week...coming tomorrow!

Yes, you heard right, Quote Week makes its grand return on this blog...starting tomorrow! Don't miss out ;)

Quote Advent Calendar 2012 Archive

The Quote Advent Calendar of 2012 in all its glory...!

1. "It's nowhere near Christmas..." - A.W.
2. "...49 days. Yes it is." - A.T.
3. "...that's such a '49 days' answer!" - J.C. A.W.
4. "Carrots and peas, carrots and peas..." - K.W. R.M. J.C.
5. "With some people, it just feels like they're sanding down your soul..." - H.W.
6. "Forested!" - A.T.
7. "...land on your land..." - K.W.
8. "Pick the person who picks the game..." - H.W.
9. "...using nature against nature..." - J.C. to K.W.
10. "I stole my shoe from a group of cats?" - M.R. J.C.
11. "What's the capital of Turkey...Chicken?" - M.B. S.A.
12. "I'm going to agree to disagree with agreeing to this statement." - H.L.
13. "...yes, ok, now go find your friends, bye bye." - A.T.
14. "Let's just jump it out!" - A.T.
15. "It's never good if it's yellow." - H.W. K.W.
16. "...I'm your inner conscience, so I think I have a right to know." - A.T.
17. "It's like Where's Wally, but on a larger scale and without a book." - J.C.
18. "...she was well and truly witched." - K.W. H.W.
19. "It's the thought that counts." - A.T.
20. "You can't win!" - A.T.
21. "Have a very Yule time!" - A.A.
22. "Das Rollercoaster war wunderbar, weil es sehr quick." - M.E.
23. "Will I get marked down for that?" - M.E.
24. "It has so much personality." - A.T.
25. "Whatta year!" - J.C.

And that's it for this year, but remember, there's always December 2013! :)

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Twelve Top Moments,
Eleven people ‘leafed’,
Ten Christmas fairs,
Nine Zombie games,
Eight weight experiments,
Seven people ‘witched’,
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Saturday 5 January 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 11

On the eleventh day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Eleven people ‘leafed’,
Ten Christmas fairs,
Nine Zombie games,
Eight weight experiments,
Seven people ‘witched’,
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Friday 4 January 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 10

On the tenth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Ten Christmas fairs,
Nine Zombie games,
Eight weight experiments,
Seven people ‘witched’,
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Thursday 3 January 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 9

On the ninth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...

Nine Zombie games,
Eight weight experiments,
Seven people ‘witched’,
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 8

On the eighth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Eight weight experiments,
Seven people ‘witched’,
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 7

On the seventh day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Seven people ‘witched’,
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Happy New Year!

Wow! 2013 now! So, who's got new year's resolutions?
Let's make this year even more awesome than all the previous ones, starting...now!
Best wishes to everyone :)

P.S. A quote for today:
"Why be normal when you can be yourself?"
- T.S.

^so true. That is what I'm going to live by :)