.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Monday 31 December 2012

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 1

So, the Top Moment of 2012...

No. 1: The Boccia Argument

Now, I think we all know what this is about. The predominant discussion, out of all our discussions at lunchtime, that has continued for the best part of around seven weeks: Can blind people play Boccia? Yes! They can! It has even been proven in front of all of us at the Boccia Tournament, that it is possible for visually impaired people to play Boccia. And the smugness written across ANT's face on that day was simply hilarious, well maybe not for ArwaChihuahua. A prime example of their contrasting points of view. Overall, I think it is fair to say that this has made everyone's year. All that's left to say is: Whatta year! See you in the next one ;)

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 2

 In at no. 2...

No. 2: Master's Vaccination

Of all the antics that Master got up to, on the History and Science Enrichment Day, this has to be the single most silliest thing. Master accidently vaccinates herself with a needle. It was apparent that, at breakfast, Master's sugar intake was over the limit, which caused her to be very hyper throughout the day. Meanwhile, Ruby and Wicks found this whole incident hilarious.

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 3

Down to the top 3...

No. 3: Sehr quick

The one thing that made us laugh so much in German, the person who put 'sehr quick' in their German writing assessment because he couldn't think of the German word for 'quick'. To make it even more comical, he asked, "Will I get marked down for that?" And that was a genuine question.

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 4

No. 4: Yacht

What made ANT's year: Master's literary fail of the year - pronouncing yacht as ya-kt instead of yot. Oh dear. Enough said.

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 5

No. 5: Interhouse - Astro Surfing

One of Master's sporting fails this year. During Interhouse Football, Master gets caught up with a footballer from the opposing team, I don't know how they managed to get tangled up, but it consequently lead to Master surfing the astro turf. Aside from looking like a bit of a div, it left some pretty awesome looking astro burns and a grazed knee. Later, Master proceeded to joke with someone that the injuries were from getting into a fight with a lion.

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 6

No. 6: The Rubbish Circle

The timing of this was simply perfection. ArwaChihuahua's attempt at forming a 'rubbish circle' at lunchtime, so that it would be easier for us to take all of our rubbish in one trip to the bin instead of everyone having to make multiple trips, is thwarted when the Deputy Head walks by precisely five seconds later and asks who's litter it was on the floor, to which ArwaChihuahua sheepishly picks it up and walks to the bin. There's still plenty of banter about this, so I don't think ArwaChihuahua will be hearing the end of this any time soon ;p

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 7

No. 7: Snail or Slug?

One of ANT's best questions this year has to be about snails. ANT asks whether a snail would become a slug if you stepped on it. When told that it would not, ANT proceeded to reason, "Well it might as well be." (No ANT, I don't think it quite works like that ;) This prompted Wicks to explain about the anatomy of the smail and why it cannot be a slug.

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 8

No. 8: Paint Argument

Like with anything else, ArwaChihuahua and ANT must be the polar opposites of eachother. One of their most severe arguments has to be their dispute over who should prepare the paints in their Art lessons. They still haven't reached a solution yet over the paint rota. Oh well, better luck next year ;)

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 9

No. 9: History Debate - Fleming and Disney

There have been plenty of debates this year on a wide range of topics - Cinderella 3, poison and Crimea, to name a few. But I think this has to be the longest debate we have ever had, it was pretty much 30 minutes of cotinuous come-backs. Of course, I'm talking about ConscienceSarah and BaffledHarrison's debate on whether Fleming deserved the credit he got for the discovery of Penicillin. Typically, like any of our history debates, Disney also had to pop in there somewhere. Naturally, the lesson had to end at some point and I commend BaffledHarrison for being the one to put an end to this by agreeing to disagree.

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 10

No. 10: Rainbow Cake

This has to be one of the Beckster's most incredible creations to date. For Wadz's birthday, the Beckster made a rainbow cake - 7 different layers of cake, all different colours, put on top of eachother with buttercream icing all over it. Anyone would agree with me that it was truly spectacular! Well done to the Beckster :)

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 11

No. 11: Steadily sinking in P.E.

One time, we were playing an 'stepping stone' game in P.E. where you had to try to get from one side of the hall to the other, but you were only allowed to use hoola hoops as 'stepping stones'. Obviously there's always someone who throws the hoops too far away and then try to get across to it. Well, in our class, someone was trying to step across. They had one foot in one hoop and the other foot in the other hoop, hence, in a sort of limbo state between the two hoops. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough grip on his shoes, so he began steadily sinking until he just collapsed on the floor between the hoops. Fun times ;p

Top 12 Moments of 2012: No. 12

Kicking off the 'Top 12 Moments of 2012', we have no.12...

No. 12: Waving at various swimming people

Throughout the year, we have had different groups of kids coming to use Nasha Academy's fantastic swimming facilities, but I think we all agree that it is rather funny waving goodbye to them when they go back to their schools. There's always an enthusiastic one, a confused one and the odd one out :)

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 6

On the sixth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Six soul sanders,
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

New Year's Eve...

Well, there goes another year. I can't believe how quickly this year has gone, I know I've probably said that too many times, but I do indeed remember think, at this time last year, what it would be like right now...
I truly hope you have all had an incredible year and once again, thank you so much for the continued support :) Can't wait to post for you all again next year! ;)

P.S. Who's partying tonight? ;p
P.P.S. Don't forget to keep checking back for the 'Top 12 Moments of 2012' throughout the day!

Sunday 30 December 2012

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 5

On the fifth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Five Salt ‘N’ Shakes,
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Top 12 Moments of 2012...coming soon!

On New Year's Eve (tomorrow/Monday 31st December), we will be taking a look at 12 of this year's top moments! Starting from the beginning of the day, there will be one post every 2 hours up until midnight. Here's the schedule:
31/12/2012, 02:00 GMT - Moment No. 12
31/12/2012, 04:00 GMT - Moment No. 11
31/12/2012, 06:00 GMT - Moment No. 10
31/12/2012, 08:00 GMT - Moment No. 9
31/12/2012, 10:00 GMT - Moment No. 8
31/12/2012, 12:00 GMT - Moment No. 7
31/12/2012, 14:00 GMT - Moment No. 6
31/12/2012, 16:00 GMT - Moment No. 5
31/12/2012, 18:00 GMT - Moment No. 4
31/12/2012, 20:00 GMT - Moment No. 3
31/12/2012, 22:00 GMT - Moment No. 2
31/12/2012, 23:59 GMT - Moment No. 1

Weekly News Round-Up #14: 23/12/2012

Our last week of school before the holidays! Yayy :) This week has been fairly laid back, a few assessments, but no biggie.

Monday morning form time saw ANT have a bit of a rant about certain shops. After shopping over the weekend, she decided to share what was troubling her.
I’m sure many people can relate to this, but one of the things bugging ANT was the fact that shops that smelt heavily of perfume were selling perfume. The point was made that you can’t smell the perfume you want to buy in the shop, so why sell it?
Another thing that annoyed ANT was that some shops had very long queues because they only had one person on the till. Meanwhile, the rest of the employees were just hanging around not doing anything! We agreed it was rather ridiculous that they weren’t doing what they were being paid to do.

Here we have the follow-up to Master’s previous football astro surf in her series of sporting fails. In P.E. on Tuesday, Master got hit in the face during a game of Danish Longball. It still puzzles me how the ball managed to maintain such force after being thrown a fair distance and also bounce off of ANT! It was rather comical ;p

In the middle of the week, we had our Christmas house assembly. I think many people would agree with me that it was rather uneventful and forgettable, so let’s move on…

Later on that day, at lunchtime, Ruby so graciously presented us with Christmas gifts. Some people opened theirs and some didn’t. At first, ANT promised herself that she wasn’t going to open any presents until Christmas Day, however, when she saw that everyone else was opening chocolate, she quickly discarded that previous resolution and just went ‘Yolo!’ In response, Wadz and Wicks started to sing the word ‘lies’ to the theme of Harry Potter :p

Wednesday night was the annual Christmas Concert, which included an incredible performance by Wicks and an equally memorable performance by ConscienceSarah. ArwaChihuahua and Master both attended to support them.
During the concert, there were many opportunities for audience participation, but Wicks was rather disappointed when ArwaChihuahua didn’t sing a single note during any of the songs.
Meanwhile, ConscienceSarah’s performance was most entertaining. Sarah played the clarinet in an ensemble, but in the middle of the piece there was a percussion interlude, which involved her quickly switching to a wonderful wooden percussion instrument which I unfortunately am unable to name.
Overall, it was a wonderful night, which I thoroughly enjoyed :)

On Thursday, ANT and Master were watching a German film in their German lesson. I dunno if any of you have seen it, but it’s called ‘Die Vorstadtkrokodile’. It was quite good, but what really surprised ANT and Master was that they could actually keep up with the storyline. What fun!

At lunchtime, it was the annual Christmas Fair, where each form must provide a stall of some description. After a few days of planning, we just decided that we were going to do what we do best - wing it on the day. Come lunchtime, we set up our stall of throw-the-bauble-into-the-cup-to-win-a-prize. Rather self-explanatory, isn’t it? ANT thought that aim of it was pretty much impossible, she said, “I mean, you can’t win this thing. It’s great!” After a few customers, we noticed it was unsuccessful and just sold our prizes. Even though customers were scarce, we managed to make around £10 profit. From what I’ve heard from other forms, we’ve actually made more than a lot of them. Well that’s a first!

Friday was a mix of Christmas quizzes, cards and more quizzes. ANT decided to bring up the point that she thought it was a little strange when inside Christmas cards they write, ‘…have a special new year.’ I take your point, ANT, I agree that you wouldn’t normally describe new years as ‘special’

In the last lesson, ANT and Master continued with their tradition: A Christmas game of Squares! It was an extremely intense game but it was Master who got the final string of squares. Whatta game!

Until next week, have a good one :)

[Note: There will not be another Weekly News Round-Up until Sunday 13th January 2013]

Saturday 29 December 2012

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 4

On the fourth day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Four silent protests,
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Friday 28 December 2012

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 3

On the third day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Three new readers (Wicks, ConscienceSarah & DisneyLoverMolly),
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 2

On the second day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
Two soy sauce dares, and
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 1

On the first day of Christmas, the Gerbils sent to me...
A Boccia discussion at lunch!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Thank you for the presents!


Happy Christmas! I hope you've all received awesome presents this year, I know I have :)
I'd just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who got me a present/card. I love them all!

This year's 'Twelve Days of Christmas'...coming soon!

The fun doesn't stop there...starting from tomorrow, we have this year's version of the 'Twleve Days of Christmas', so don't forget to stay tuned ;)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 25

"Whatta year!"
- J.C.

Story behind quote:
When Master was discussing, with ANT and Wicks, what this final quote in this year's Advent Calendar should be, they just couldn't think of a single word to sum up the year. It's just been so incredibly amazing, so I thought it would be most suitable for this to be The Quote.

Merry Christmas!!! :)

Just wishing everyone a very merry Christmas! I hope you've all had a wonderful day :)

Monday 24 December 2012

600th post!

Another milestone reached! What a great way to celebrate right before Christmas!
Thank you for all your continuous support and I hope to continue writing posts for you all :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 24

"It has so much personality."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
One lunchtime, Wadz drew a character on her hand and decided that she would try her hand (pun intended) at being a ventriloquist. When ANT saw the character, she exclaimed, "It has so much personality." And from then on, ANT has continued to use it to describe many other objects, e.g. bright orange benches, etc.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Weekly News Round-Up #13: 16/12/2012

There haven't really been a lot of big events this week, but it's the small things that really make an impact, right?

On Monday, we are all informed, by Wadz, of ANT's little sauce incident. Over the weekend, ANT managed to sit in Ketchup. As she has previously sat in other sauces, Wadz asked, "What else are you going to sit in?" ANT's reply was, "Hmmm, maybe mustard?" ;p

This week was the week of the Art exam, therefore we didn't see much of ArwaChihuahua and ANT on Tuesday and Wednesday. So here's what they missed...

Tuesday saw Ruby, Wicks, Wadz and Master conducting weight experiments in the 'Weights Room' during their PE lesson. This included hanging by the arms on a weight machine to try and determine how much they weighed. There was also a machine that had a belt on the seat, which they discovered, when pulled very tight, one could lean forward without the fear of faceplanting. Fun times.

Whilst the art peeps were around, Wicks and ArwaChihuahua decided to have dead arm battles (basically, hitting the opponent's arm repeatedly), and ArwaChihuahua tied Wicks' and Ruby's coats together.

I think you'll be glad to hear that, on Wednesday, we saw the return of the Assembly Music Act Record! It has officially started again.
This week, our assembly was once again on the true meaning of Christmas. Even though this assembly was more helpful than the previous one, there was still minor confusions in some of the points covered. But I do remember what was on the last slide, if that helps anyone. It said, 'Advent - a time to think about the meaning of life.' Discuss?

Later on in the day, at Lunchtime, Wadz and Wicks introduced us to the 'Zombie Game'. It proved to be quite a difficult game to understand, but I shall try my best to explain it to you all:
For this game, all players must stand in a circle. One player is the zombie, who must walk towards another person. The zombie victim must look at another player, aside from the zombie, to say their name, hence freeing them. The rounds get more difficult when the zombies walk faster.
So there you have it. I must admit it is rather fun :) However, when we decided to make it more difficult, ANT thought she'd step it up by charging at a victim at a speed almost comparable to lightning. I think we all agreed that it was a little frightening ;p

On Thursday morning, we had Biology. Hellyeah that was an awesome lesson (in a nutshell, we just burned food)! The best thing to burn was probably the Pringles (don't try it at home). When they ran out, ArwaChihuahua was so enthusiastic she even whipped out her own crisps that were meant to be for her breaktime snack.

At lunchtime, Wicks, ArwaChihuahua and Master decided to conduct another weight experiment. This time, Wicks and Master joined arms and had ArwaChihuahua run at them and attempt to be bounced back. It was almost like 'Angry Birds'. Meanwhile, ANT just looked on, unimpressed.

Later on that lunchtime, the topic of Yule made another appearance. It was then that ANT decided to ask what Yule was. Now, you may or may not know, ArwaChihuahua and Wicks have talked about Yule many times at lunch over the past few weeks, Wicks has spent a lot of time educating ArwaChihuahua on this subject. ANT was present for most of those conversatons. The question that they were all thinking was, "How can you not know what Yule is, we've talked about it loads!" This prompted another session of Yule explaining.

Perhaps the most incredible thing that has happened this week was the discovery of Snape being a real person!
In Chemistry, on Friday morning, Wicks decided to show Master that on the top shelf of the classroom, there were a pile of Chemistry textbooks. You will not believe this, but on of the authors of these books is called Snape! How incredible is that, he evens knows Chemistry?! Perhaps he really did drink that 'Honey Badger Anti-Venom' [Reference to 'How Harry Potter Should Have Ended']

On Friday lunchtime, ArwaChihuahua decided to make a rubbish circle, so she put down her rubbish on the floor. Now, I must say, what timing it was when the Deputy Head walked by half a minute later and asked, "Who's litter is that on the floor?" Lol ;p Other rebellious actions by ArwaChihuahua include drinking a Summer Berries Capri Sun in winter.

So, many of you will know that Wadz has been dying to have a big ol' paragraph dedicated to her, so here it is...
On Friday lunchtime, Wadz decided to make English her own, by tweaking a few words here and there. Previously, she has pronounced perimeter as perry-meter, so today, when someone shoved past her, she said, "Hey, was that really necessary?" However, necessary was pronounced ne-cess-airy. Oh lol ;p Continuing the trend, instead of saying 'blinked' she said 'blunk'. I guess it makes sense: sink and sunk, shrink and shrunk, etc.

Until next week, have a good one :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 23

Yesterday: "Das Rollercoaster war wunderbar, weil es sehr quick."
Today: "Will I get marked down for that?"
- M.E.

[Translation (well, vaguely): "The rollercoaster was wonderful, because it was very quick."]

Story behind quote:
In the German exam, one guy wrote, 'sehr quick' because he forgot what the German word for 'quick' was. Ok, if you're doing a language exam and you don't know how to say something, just scrap the sentence and say something that you do know.
When everyone first heard about this, we all burst out into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Meanwhile, the guy asked if he would get marked down for it. That didn't help with the laughing.
The best part was that he was genuinely not finding it very funny. In fact, he was vaguely angry about the whole thing and decided to ask, "Ok, I know it was a stupid thing to write, but what is so funny about all this?!" Everyone else carried on laughing, it pretty much made everyone's week ;p

[As featured in Weekly News Round-Up 09/12/2012]

Saturday 22 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 22

"Das Rollercoaster war wunderbar, weil es sehr quick."
- M.E.

Story behind quote:
Tune in tomorrow for the second part of this quote. Trust me, you won't want to miss this one ;)

[As featured in Weekly News Round-Up 09/12/2012]

Friday 21 December 2012

End of the World?

If you're reading this, then obviously the world hasn't ended.
[Fair do's, Wicks ;p]

Happy Yule!

To all of you, have a good one :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 21

"Have a very Yule time!"
- A.A.

Story behind quote:
Over the past few weeks, Wicks has been trying to educate ArwaChihuahua about Yule. However, I don't think ArwaChihuahua quite gets how to use it in a sentence. A few days ago, she said, "Have a very Yule time!", to which Wicks' response was, "No, you can't just randomly slot it into the middle of a sentence!"

Thursday 20 December 2012

Wadz's new blog :)

As you may or may not know, Wadz has started a new blog!
Check it out here: http://underratedandunorthodoxquotes.blogspot.co.uk/

Very close to 8000 views...

Well can you believe that?! 8000! That's a pretty big number to me ;p
What a great achievement for the end of the year!
Comment on this post if you are the 8000th page-viewer :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 20

"You can't win!"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
A quote that ANT likes to use quite a lot. There are certain scenarios in life where you really just 'can't win'. For example, when your computer is working against you (ANT), or there's just no way you can complete a game on your Gameboy (ANT).

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 19

"It's the thought that counts."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
Wicks and ArwaChihuahua discuss how Yule is at a different time of year for people in Australia compared to people in the UK. One of the topics brought up was that maybe you would send a Yule card at the wrong time. At this, ANT just brushed it off and said, "It's the thought that counts." Well done ANT, that really is the correct attitude :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 18

"...she was well and truly witched."
- H.W. K.W.

Story behind quote:
[No one really knows.]

Monday 17 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 17

"It's like Where's Wally, but on a larger scale and without a book."
- J.C. to M.R.

Story behind quote:
On the way back home one day, Mexx and Master were looking for Wadz, ArwaChihuahua and ANT. In the end, when they couldn't find them they just decided to go. Later on in the journey, they saw Wadz in front of them. Mexx exclaims, "Oh, there they are, we found them." Meanwhile, Master remarks, "It's like Where's Wally, but on a larger scale and without a book."

Sunday 16 December 2012

Weekly News Round-Up #12: 09/12/2012

There were definitely a few events worth mentioning this week, so let's start from the beginning.

On Monday morning, ANT and Master were greeted, in Form time, by the Papadopoulos (basically, when they walked in, they found a folded piece of paper on their desk and decided to see what it was). Now, if you're unsure of what the Papadopoulos is, do not fret because here is the explanation: "The Papadopoulos is a creature that resides in a lake near the White Mountains. It is 12 ft tall and has the eyes of a bug, pincers like a crab, wings and a six-pack of abs. Special powers include extremelegs, meaning it can reach astonishing speeds of up to 40mph. The Papadopoulos preys on humans. If a human is fishing in the lake, the Papadopoulos will swim underneath the water and grab its victim with its pincers." - Extract taken from The Sheet On The Table In Form
I hope that's cleared some of it up for you. After reading this, ANT just said, "It has so much personality!" Oh lol ;p

On Tuesday, ANT and Master noticed that the balloon on the tree has come down! As mentioned in 11/11/12's Round-Up, ANT and Master betted on how long they thought it would stay there for. The results for the bet are being justified and will be available on a separate post as of tomorrow (10/12/2012). Click here for the post :)

During the middle of the week, our assembly was all about the true meaning of Christmas. They had wonderful clips of the Coca-Cola advert and 'Arthur Christmas', but still, everyone walked out not 100% clear on the meaning that they were trying to get at. Oh well, there's always next year ;)

Wednesday also happened to be the day of the Boccia tournament. One must admit that it was a rather fun day :) ANT and Master thoroughly enjoyed showing people where the toilets were, and to top it off for ANT, there was a visually impaired competitor, who ANT enjoyed watching and pointing it out to ArwaChihuahua that she was right about the 'can blind people play Boccia' argument.

Thursday lunchtime saw ArwaChihuahua and Wicks, once again, battling it out for the sake of this eternal hatred between them. ArwaChihuahua made an un-provoked attack on Wicks when she just randomly hit her in the face with Wadz's glove. Meanwhile, Wadz and ANT both attempted to sort this whole thing out, however walked away unsuccessful. Better luck next time ;p

Now, it's that time of year where we must all make very important decisions, such as which courses to take, etc. On Friday, whilst discussing courses, ANT decided to diss her own subject, Art, by saying things like, "You have to do a 3000 word essay, could you imagine doing it on a random painting? What would you even say? Would you write the whole life story of the artist and then go on to say how that influenced him/her in making the decision to paint a certain corner of the painting blue. Then you have to suggest how the colour blue indicates sadness..." Oh dear ANT ;p

One thing that made everyone's week was something that happened on Friday in our German lesson. to find out more about it, you'll have to wait for the quote on Day 22 of the Advent Calendar ;) You won't want to miss it!

When Master was out shopping on Saturday, she saw an awesome solo teaspoon-player! I must admit, it was pretty cool ;p

Sunday sees many members of the Form doing a 'Santa Jog' for a charity currently unknown. Although The Beckster, Ruby, ANT and Master are not taking part, they were willing to donate. Well, in all honesty, ANT was a little reluctant to pay as much as everyone else in the Form and was almost peer-pressured into it by all the other numbers on the sheet. Of course, it's not because ANT is stingy, she just wanted to know where it was all going. Fair do's, ANT, fair do's ;p

Until next week, have a good one :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 16

"...I'm your inner conscience, so I think I have a right to know."
- A.T. to A.W.

Story behind quote:
I think you will all be surprised to hear that it wasn't ConscienceSarah who said this, in fact it was ANT. Whilst Wadz was having a therapy session with Master, ANT decided she had a right to know what was being discussed, so this is what she said.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 15

"It's never good if it's yellow."
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
Ruby accidentally left an orange in her bag over the weekend, so on Monday when she got her book out it was stained yellow. That's when she turns to Wicks, who says, "It's never good if it's yellow." Indeed ;p

Friday 14 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 14

"Let's just jump it out!"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT's tips on getting out of an awkward situation: "Let's just jump it out!" That is just utterly genius ;p

Thursday 13 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 13

"…yes, ok, now go find your friends, bye bye."
- A.T. to K.T.

Story behind quote:
I think this goes to show just how much ANT enjoys her brother's company. At the end of the school day, KrazyK comes up to us and says 'hi' and starts talking about his day, and this is what he gets in response from ANT. Lol, one can feel the brotherly-sisterly-love radiating off of them ;p

Wednesday 12 December 2012


Sorry, I just really felt like posting this! Check the time of the post...isn't that so cool? It's gonna be ages until something like this comes around again...

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 12

"I'm going to agree to disagree with agreeing to this statement."
- H.L.

Story behind quote:
During an argument in History between ConscienceSarah and BaffledHarrison, BaffledHarrison decides that he will be the one to end the argument with this rather confusing sentence.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 11

"What's the capital of Turkey...Chicken?"
- M.B. S.A.

Story behind quote:
In History, ConscienceSarah decided it would be a good idea to ask, and 'Chicken' was the only answer DisneyLoverMolly could come up with. It is in fact Ankara :)

Monday 10 December 2012

Results of the Balloon Bet

So, this is what everyone has been anticipating (well, not really everyone, but never mind)...

On Thursday 8th November 2012, at around 13.15, ANT and Master noticed a balloon tangled in the branches of a tree opposite their place of hanging-out at lunchtime. They decide to bet on when they think it will be removed from the tree (removed, as in completely detached from the tree itself). It was decided and agreed on that whoever guessed the closest date would win the bet.
The prize: the satifaction of knowing you won.
ANT betted that the balloon would be removed by the following Monday (Monday 12th November 2012).
Master betted that the balloon would be removed after Christmas (Wednesday 26th December).

On Tuesday 4th December 2012, at around 13.30, ANT and Master noticed that the balloon had been completely removed from the clutches of the tree. It is unclear when exactly it was removed, but it was settled that this would be the day where the bet ended.

ANT was 22 days off.
Master was 22 days off.
Therefore, it is officially a tie. I think it is safe to say that ANT and Master are both on par with eachother in terms of ability to foresee the future ;p

I must admit that was rather fun :) Now to think of a tie breaker...

[The Balloon Bet was first mentioned in the post for Weekly News Round-Up: 11/11/2012]

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 10

"I stole my shoe from a group of cats?"
- M.R. J.C.

Story behind quote:
On the way home, Mexx Bear said, "I've got a stone in my shoe and it really hurts." However, Master somehow managed to hear, "I stole my shoe from a group of cats?"

Sunday 9 December 2012

Weekly News Round-Up #11: 02/12/2012

Well, it's been sorta back to normal this week (normal being not having any exams!) So, let's get this show on the road...

On Monday, ANT and ConscienceSarah were absent as they were on an exclusive geograohy trip to a nice museum somewhere. I must admit that it sounded rather exciting when ANT told me that they poured liquid nitrogen onto a rose and watched it crumble. Then there was also the part where they looked at some layers of rocks and had a guess at how old they were.

Meanwhile, back at Nasha Academy, Wicks, Ruby and Master were in their Biology lesson when Master accidentally hit her elow on the edge of the table and, in pain, she went 'owwwh'. However, Wicks interpreted it as Master trying to be Michael Jackson. So there we have it, Master's Momentary Michael Jackson Action! (Who doesn't love alliteration?)

After school, it was rather rainy. This obviously called for an umbrella to be brought out. I dunno if you know, but Mexx often accuses Master of being the world's worst umbrella-holder (apparently she shakes it a lot.) So, they decided to settle this once and for all with the Umbrella Challenge (where they just take turns holding the umbrella. Penalties are given if there is any excess shaking, poking people with the umbrella, or deliberately trying to make the other person get one of the above listed penalties.) One may say that it was quite fun.
Whist walking, Master kept on straying off to one side of the pavement, so Mexx had to keep pulling her back. Somehow, this reminded Master of a typewriter (y'know, when you change a line, you have to push the thing back to the other side?) I dunno how Master manages to think of these types of things, Master doesn't even own a typewriter!
As it was raining, Master's file binder/folder had a few drops of rain on it. One of Mexx's best ideas through the whole walk home was that Master should wipe the rain off, but it just happened that Master's sleeve was soaked with rain. Oh dear.

On Tuesday, ANT and Master's first lesson required the use of technology, computers (to be specific.) One must admit that it was rather funny watching ANT battle against a computer and a laptop, both of which refused to work. This is when ANT just exclaims, "Seriously, you can't win!"

What followed Tuesday was Wednesday. I am very sad to announce that, after around 8-9 weeks of musical performances, the chain has been broken as there was no assembly music act this week.

Later on at lunchtime, ANT decided it would be a good time to bring up her paint argument. ANT often complains that she is always having to get the paint out in their art lesson, whilst ArwaChihuahua doesn't. This lead to a full-on debate between the two about their paint/cleaning up rota. And if that wasn't all, ANT thought that whilst she had the chance, she would also bring up the 'IT vs. RE' debate. Oh what an eventful lunchtime.

Thursday's lunchtime discussion topic was a lot more friendly. Wicks decided to bring up the topic of video games, which lead to a proper discussion about everything ranging from 'High School Musical' on NintendoDS to the buttons on a Tamagochi to games on Gameboy, where 'you couldn't win' (quote from ANT) to the top ways of killing a Sim. Such fun ;p

Friday saw all of Nasha Academy in non-school uniform in the name of Movember. Sixth Form took this opportunity to dress up as various characters (with and without moustaches.) Here is a list of a few of the characters that we saw during the day: Captain America, Thor, The Hulk, Iron Man, Slender Man, multiple Santa's, Gandalf, some Sombrero Guy and Taaj from 'Come Fly With Me'. Some characters acted like themselves, for example, Santa and Slender Man were walking along. Some kids were shouting Santa, so Slender Man turned round and scared them away. Other characters weren't their usual selves that day. A kid asked Captain America for a 'high 5', and he just said 'no'.

Until next week, have a good one :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 9

"...using nature against nature..."
- J.C. to K.W.

Story behind quote:
A truly genius way of avoiding rain. Standing under a thick tree. Now that is what Master calls, "...using nature against nature..." Nice one ;p

Saturday 8 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 8

"Pick the person who picks the game..."
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
When discussing the significance and purpose of the good ol' primary school rhymes such as 'Black Shoe, black shoe...', 'Each peach, pear, plum...', 'Banana Split' and 'Coconut Crack', Wicks managed to come up with the idea that it was meant to decide who would pick the game that would be played at that break time.

[To check out more discussions on primary school playtime, see Weekly News Round-Up: 11/11/2012]

Friday 7 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 7

"...land on your land..."
- K.W.

Story behind quote:
A few weeks ago, if you remember, one of our discussion topics was 'Monopoly'. During this discussion, Ruby managed to say, "...land on your land..." I thought it was quite a funny thing to say...

[Reference to Lunchtime discussion topic in Weekly News Round-Up: 11/11/2012]

Thursday 6 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 6

- A.T.

Story behind quote:
Following up from Day 7 of October's Quote Week (The quote was "Leafed!"), ArwaChihuahua and Ruby have gone to further lengths to put stuff in Master's bag without being caught. It has developed from putting a single leaf in her bag, to quite a few bits and pieces that one would usually find in a forest. ANT ever so helpfully decided to name this practice 'Foresting'.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 5

"With some people, it just feels like they're sanding down your soul..."
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
You ever get that feeling, when you're talking to someone and it just feels like they're sanding down your soul? Well, if the answer's yes, you have company. Wicks and Master also feel the same way sometimes...

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Good luck to Mexx & ConscienceSarah!

Just wishing Mexx Bear and ConscienceSarah luck as they will be taking music exams today. I am sure they will do extremely well :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 4

"Carrots and peas, carrots and peas..."
- K.W. R.M. J.C.

Story behind quote :
According to Ruby, extras in films are told to mime, "Carrots and peas, carrots and peas..." In Form, Ruby, the Beckster and Master decided to test out whether miming this really does make it look like you are speaking. I don't think the result was extremely positive.

Monday 3 December 2012

Quote Adevnt Calendar: Day 3

"...that's such a '49 days' answer!"
- A.W. J.C.

Story behind quote:
Following on from the previous quotes, now it has become a frequently used remark between Wadz and Master. Whenever someone shoots down someone else's statement, they just say, "...that's such a '49 days' answer!"

Sunday 2 December 2012

Weekly News Round-Up #10: 25/11/2012

Well, I never thought I'd live to write this week's round-up, so count yourselves lucky! Finally, we've all managed to make it through these tough two weeks and come out of our last exam in one piece. Even though there's been plenty of studying, we still made time for humour...

To start off the week, ANT shared her weekend grocery shopping experience. Apparently she was unfortunate in having a till worker, Keith, who was very slow (to be fair, ANT said he was something like 80 years old and his hands were shaking). ANT described the person behind her in the queue to wear a look that practically said, 'Why didn't you tell me about how slow he is?' However, ANT managed to make her situation a lot more fun whilst waiting by singing 'Eye of the Tiger', in her head, whilst Keith gradually worked his way through the pile of shopping. Oh lol ;p

In this week's lunchtime discussions, I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear that the 'can blind people play boccia' argument has officially been resolved! It turns out that when we asked the boccia instructor in PE, he said that "people who are visually impaired can play, they just have someone click their fingers where the ball is". So, there you have it: blind people can play boccia. Lol at ArwaChihuahua's attempts at trying to put everyone down by saying, "but they can't play strategically as they can't see where any of the other balls are". As you can imagine, ANT got quite annoyed by this.

In other discussion topics, ANT, ArwaChihuahua, Wicks and Master have launced a full-on debate about which subject is more useful: Information Technology (IT) or Religious Education (RE). ANT is fighting on the side of IT, therefore ArwaChihuahua naturally fights for the opposition, RE. Meanwhile, Wicks and Master are sort of sitting on the fence. Wicks believes that the subjects are too different to compare, whilst Master is inclined more towards the IT side. What are your thoughts?

Our other discussion topic is: can you look smart in jeans? ANT claims that, as long as you pair your jeans with a nice top, you can look smart. Of course, this means that ArwaChihuahua feels the need to disagree and say that jeans are only for casual wear. Who do you agree with, ANT or ArwaChihuahua?

In the middle of the week, Wicks and Master end up discussing how to spell 'piece'. Wicks thought it was 'ei' but Master believed it the be 'ie'. Then, they developed a nice little saying to remember the spelling, 'piece if pie'. If this has helped anybody else, then I am most glad.
Their conversation later shifted to the previous week's TCP discussion. Treatment of ulcers was discussed. Bonjella, in particular, made an appearance in the conversation, which lead them to talk about the new Bonjella ulcer plaster. Wicks announced that she felt it was a disgusting idea to put a plaster inside the mouth. Being plaster-phobic isn't a particularly useful quality for an aspiring doctor, well, vet to be precise. I'm sure we'll find a way around it.

Towards the end of the week, we had a few hectic lunchtimes. One day, Wadz had sushi, so naturally it came with some soy sauce. ANT started pressurising Wadz to down it, but Wadz wisely refused. However, ArwaChihuahua volunteered to do it. ANT promised that if ArwaChihuahua did it, she would get their paint out in Art (ANT often complains how unfair it is that ArwaChihuahua never gets the paint out). After ArwaChihuahua downed it, Ruby asked why she did it, and in response ANT blurted out, "YOLO!" Oh lol ;p

For this week's assembly update, it was house assembly so there was no music act. I shall insist that the record is still going as we did not have a proper assembly.

At the end of the week, we walked home with ConscienceSarah. I can't exactly remember how the conversation went, but it ended with ConscienceSarah describing herself as a 'chocolate-covered cabbage with a caramel centre'?! Yes, I'm also slightly worried. Who agrees with ConscienceSarah's description of herself?

Until next week, have a good one :)

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 2

"...49 days. Yes it is."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
A few weeks ago, on the way to school, Wadz and ANT were talking about Christmas. Wadz says, "It's nowhere near Christmas..." and in ANT's fury, she exclaimed, "...49 days. Yes it is." Now that was the final word, Wadz couldn't say anything back in response to that ;p

Saturday 1 December 2012

Quote Advent Calendar: Day 1

"It's nowhere near Christmas..."
- A.W.

Story behind quote:
Check back tomorrow for the next part of this quote!