.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Wednesday 29 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 8

Yesterday: "I'm gonna miss Destiny..."
Today: "...I hope the new Head will be like that aswell *Starts saying 'Destiny' in a variety of different accents*"
- J.E.

Story behind quote:
LG and Master were discussing how they would miss the Headteacher's way of saying 'Destiny' and how they hoped the new Head would also be suitable.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 7

"I'm gonna miss Destiny..."
- J.E.

Find out the second part of the quote tomorrow!

Monday 27 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 6

"The awkward moment when you have nothing else to do other than listen to people peeing."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
One lunchtime, ANT and Master had gone to the toilets, where they encountered a group of younger students giggling at the process of excretion. To which ANT and Master thought, "How immature!"

Sunday 26 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 5

"My cup of caring is empty!"
- M.A.

Story behind quote:
Mabbs, Nash and Master were walking to a lesson when someone was calling Mabbs' name. Then Mabbs just simply ignored them and said calmly, "My cup of caring is empty!"

Saturday 25 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 4

"The quiz is too easy...what is it called when the wave goes up a beach? Swoosh, swish, swash or swosh?...REALLY?!"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
Carrying on from yesterday's quote, this is what ANT said to me whilst she was revising for her Geography test.

Note: The answer is swash. (If you didn't already know it)

Friday 24 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 3

"I've got it all planned out! Get home, revise for Geography test, make pancakes, watch the Brit Awards!"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT's action plan on Shrove Tuesday...!

Thursday 23 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 2

"I'm actually so excited to see him in top form..."
- M.R. to J.C.

Story behind quote:
Today was the day of the Team Maths Challenge that Mexx Bear and Master were taking part in along with another two lads. It is obvious Mexx's idol is one of them, who is called Ryan, as she aspires to be like him so much. On Tuesday, whilst Mexx and Master were walking home from the Academy, Mexx says how excited she is about the whole event. Master just advises her to remember her autograph book as she may not get another opportunity to get Ryan's autograph.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 1

Welcome to the 1st day of our 40 Quotes of Lent, which will hopefully help to get you through your days of giving up something. Let's get started!

"He'll eat the skin and everything!"
- The Form

Story behind quote:
This is a quote from the story of that assembly where Hedges beat the current record of how fast someone can eat a banana. It is the current feature in the Latest News column.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

International Mother Language Day!

Hope it's a good day for you all!
Comment below what your native language is! :)

Who's excited for the Brit Awards tonight?

The Brit Awards are on tonight at 8pm on ITV! I can't wait to see all the performances and find out who wins :)
Comment below if you will be watching and your thoughts and opinions on who should win!

It's Pancake Day!

I hope you all have a great Shrove Tuesday and are ready to give up something for Lent :)
Speaking of Lent, we will start our 40 Quotes of Lent tomorrow! So don't forget to check back tomorrow and for the 40 days to come ;)

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Saturday 11 February 2012

MouseMouseMonday #13: The Woman In Black

Just thought I'd do a little random post to entertain you!
As you may know, 'The Woman In Black', starring Daniel Radcliffe, came out in cinemas yesterday. It is based on the classic ghost story by Susan Hill, and from the trailer, it seems pretty chilling. Take a look:
For more information about the film, check out the official site: www.thewomaninblack-movie.co.uk
Comment below your thoughts or experiences if you have seen it :)

Friday 10 February 2012

Hilarious News today!

Check out the Latest News section to find out what happened in this morning's absolutely hilarious assembly!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Quote Week: February - Day 7

"Yes, of course it has been clinically proven!"
- A.N. & J.C.

Story behind quote:
Three days a week, Nasha and Master must get to their Geography classes. There are two main routes which they could take, but somehow they have managed to clinically prove that on route is faster than the other.
Note: The fact that it is clinically proven still seems to baffle dermatologists.

Monday 6 February 2012

The new Graeme...?!

Recently, after Graeme departed Nasha Academy, Ruby has spotted a dude named Jamie, who she says has made a good impression and has shown qualities that are on par with Graeme.
First of all, he seems to have a rather quirky sense of style, sporting a Pac Man t-shirt, which I personally thought was pretty epic (Who doesn't like Pac Man?). He also participates in the Academy's production of Les Miserables, this shows he is musical, just like Graeme!
Those are only a few of his qualities that we have highlighted (There's plenty more). But most importantly, he is not a clone copy of Graeme or a Graeme-Wannabe, he is his own person and just happens to have qualities making him Graeme's equal (almost?).
So, what do you think? Does he sound worthy enough to be the next Graeme? Comment below your thoughts.

Quote Week: February - Day 6

"They're like environmental weeping angels!"
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
At lunchtime, Nash, Ruby, Wicks and Master were discussing how the bins at Nasha Academy seemed to be gradually moving nearer to them by the day. Then Wicks said, "They're like environmental weeping angels!"
Note: Wicks was referring to the statue monsters from 'Doctor Who'

Sunday 5 February 2012

Quote Week: February - Day 5

"...or, if we wanted to be geographical, you get my longshore drift?!"
- J.C.

Story behind quote:
Master was explaining something to Ruby, Wicks, Nasha and the Beckster on break time, so first she said, "You get my drift?" But then, after remembering she had geography next, she said, "...or, if we wanted to be geographical, you get my longshore drift?!"

Saturday 4 February 2012

Quote Week: February - Day 4

"Yes, then you shall have to calculate how long it would take you to eat that Maoam and whether the lesson provides a sufficient amount of time for you to do so..."
- J.C. to S.A.

Story behind quote:
One day after school, Beep, Mexx and Master were walking home together. Beep was telling them something about a Maoam sweet in her English lesson, which the others weren't really paying much attention to, so Master said, "Yes, then you shall have to calculate how long it would take you to eat that Maoam and whether the lesson provides a sufficient amount of time for you to do so..."

Friday 3 February 2012

Quote Week: February - Day 3

"Hello, what can I get you from the salad bar?"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
Following on from the incident featured in yesterday's quote, it turned out that that lunchtime was pretty exciting, in terms of dropping stuff on the floor. By the end of lunchtime, there was a wonderful assortment of bacon, lettuce, yogurt, and other food on the floor. At this point, ANT said, "Hello, what can I get you from the salad bar?"

Thursday 2 February 2012

Quote Week: February - Day 2

"Ummm, that's my foot!"
- A.B. to A.W.

Story behind quote:
At lunchtime, Wadz has a pretty ace sandwich, however she dropped half of it on the ground and also on Stas' foot. At this point, Wadz screamed in dissappointment and said, "That's my sandwich!" to which Stas replied, "Ummm, that's my foot!"

Wednesday 1 February 2012

400th post!!! Wooooo!

It has come to my attention that this is officially the 400th post on this blog! I can't believe I've had so much to say, even though most of it is of very little importance and is for the sole purpose of entertaining you all ;p But still, I hope you have enjoyed reading these posts and continue to do so! :)

Quote Week: February - Day 1

"On a scale from 1 to Voldemort, how awkward are your hugs?"
- A.T. to J.C.

Story behind quote:
Out of nowhere, one morning during Form, ANT asked Master, "On a scale from 1 to Voldemort, how awkward are your hugs?" At this point, Master, as usual, burst out laughing. After five minutes of laughter and ANT staring with the expression that says, 'It's not that funny' on her face, Master replied, '3.'
Note: When ANT said this, she was referring to the scene in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2' where Voldemort asks people to join his side and Draco steps forward to receive a hug from Voldemort.