.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday 30 November 2014

Weekly News Round-Up #76: 23/11/2014

Hello, one and all! I hope your week has been a jolly good one, it's been quite hectic for us but here's a little summary of events...

The main event this week was the Academy's history production, which Cap, Wicks, DisneyLoverMolly, Sharah and Master were involved in. Before the performance on the opening night, the crew had a considerable amount of time to kill, so they agreed on a game of Hide & Seek. Master decided to be the seeker, but it was even more difficult than she had previously anticipated. Master only found DLM by accident when she walked out of a room. From then on, the duo had much trouble trying to track down Wicks and Cap. In the end, Wicks revealed that she had been behind the door to the main room all along, whilst Cap settled for a toilet cubicle.

By the time they had all revelaed themselves from their hide-outs, they were all pretty hungry. After the events of the previous week, when they got pizza, a team had offered to go and get them from town. This did take a little longer than expected, with everyone tucking in the second they arrived. Cap and Wicks particularly enjoyed their 'Meateor', which they claimed was well worth the wait.

In other news, Cap shared with us a dream that she had, which included us all getting jobs as the people who dress up as characters in Disneyland. This prompted a conversation further exploring the possible benefits and drawback to the job, but overall the conclusion was that it would be pretty awesome to work there, maybe not for too long though.

Until next week, have a good one ;p

Sunday 23 November 2014

Weekly News Round-Up #75: 16/11/2014

Hello, one and all! I hope you've had a good week; it's been a slightly hectic one for us, but nevertheless fun. Got a few stories to share, let's jump to it!

From her trip to Paris, Cap very kindly brought back some lollipops for us all! But, of course, you'd be a fool to think they were just your ordinary 'pops, there were a variety of flavours, such as banana (why aren't more things banana flavoured?), cherry and candy floss (sugar-flavoured sugar...makes sense). A big thanks to Cap for thinking of us! Here's a pick of my banana lollipop:
Paris 'pops from Cap. :)
In the middle of the week, we made paper planes out of a pile of papers on the lunch table. Naturally, this turned into a battle of sorts, no teams, just every man for themself. Then came the plot twist, when Master decided to make a boat, that was quickly transformed into a Peter Pan hat, or the typical air stewardess hat, when worn at the correct angle.

Thursday saw ArwaChihuahua and Wicks in the library, where they found a rather interesting book that explained the history behind English surnames. It was most interesting and we just couldn't resist looking up the meanings behind everyone's names. Guess who we found...

On the same day, Master was most surprised to find that the local comic book shop actually had the most recent stock! This called for a quick buy, not taking any chances because some titles seem to fly off the shelves. As always, they were still missing the ones that were supposed to come over a month ago, but never mind. Onwards and upwards...

With the history production coming up next week, Thursday evening called for another rehearsal, followed by a performance at an assembly. Wicks and ConscienceSarah were both obliged to stay, as they were, respectively, the lead singer and part of the band. The turn-out for backing singers was borderline poor, with only Oski Bear and Master staying. To keep spirits up, they ordered a pizza, an altogether new phone call experience for all. Master was nominated to be the phone spokesperson and was even provided with a loose script of what to say. It took slightly longer than expected to arrive, along with a few complications of trying to explain the address. As a consequence, Wicks, Oski Bear and Master ended up waiting outside for what felt like a very long time, trying to spot potential cars. All's well that ends well, the guy finally rocked up and we got our meal!

By the time we had to perform, we'd all tried to stop drinking Coca-Cola. Overall, it went really well; Oski Bear did start one chorus too early, but by the time Master joined it seemed like we meant for it to be in canon. Well done to all, and remember, canon is the way to go ;p

Until next week, have a good one ;)

Sunday 9 November 2014

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 7

"...they were running away, and vomiting!"
- J.C.

Story behind quote:
Master recalls 'The Expressionless' hoax.

As mentioned in WNR #72.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 6

"*tap tap tap* What? *tap tap tap* What??!"
- K.W.

Story behind quote:
At the pizzeria, the waitresses were making loud tapping noises, in an attempt to empty the ice cream tubs. Ruby was a little annoyed by this.

Friday 7 November 2014

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 5

"That was 'top'!"
- S.A.

Story behind quote:
ConscienceSarah comes up with a new expression.

The supposed meaning of 'top':

Slang. Excellent; superb; great:
"that was a top evening."

Thursday 6 November 2014

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 4

"...5, 6 cokes!"
- Waitress at pizzeria

Story behind quote:
We had a rather intense waitress at Cap's birthday bash... I must admit I did feel a little sorry for her when she had to count all the munneez.

As mentioned in WNR #72.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Happy Bonfire Night!

Hope y'all have a wonderful day! Stay safe, everyone :)

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 3

"I think hash browns are my favourite things ever."
- ANT, 2014.

Story behind quote:
Well, now we all know what to get ANT for Christmas...

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Happy 4th Blog Birthday!

Hi everyone,

I can't believe that we've made it...4 years! It's truly amazing to think that we've managed to keep this up one way or another. Thank you all so much for your continued support, it is very much appreciated :D

Special thanks to Wicks for drawing the banner, I love that all our 'Balloon Friends' are included ;p

Have a good day :)

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 2

"Well, I don't find leaves particularly filling."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
Lunchtime banter. After Master's comment on the composition of ANT's lunch, ANT strikes back with a quip of her own. Not a fan of salad are we, mate?

As mentioned in WNR #71.

Monday 3 November 2014

Blog Birthday Quote Week: Day 1

"Darn, I caved and did homework! Now I have nothing to do, I've got too many frees."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT is probably the only person ever to say this. Typical.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Blog Birthday Week - starting tomorrow!

Hello everyone!

As you may already know, this coming Tuesday marks 4 years since the creation of this blog. Obviously, this calls for a massive celebration, which is why the whole of this week will be dedicated to just that! We'll have quotes, special posts and a brand new segment coming very soon.

Once again, it never fails to amaze me that this has been going on for so long! Thank you for the continued support and make sure to stay tuned for more of our antics and craziness!

Weekly News Round-Up #74: 26/10/2014

Good day, everyone! I hope you've all had a smashing week, I can safely say that it's been a fantastic one for all of us over here ;p

As you may already know, this week's main event was the Sandwich Crew away day on Friday, which consisted of a LARP (Live Action Role-Play) team building exercise, hosted by the one and only Simon Wicks.

Of course, the first challenge of putting on such an event is finding a suitable location. Fortunately we are situated near a park, which just happens to be the perfect setting. As Master seems to like ringing people up on the ol' 'tele-mobile', Wicks tasked her with contacting the park 'Rangers', as they so like to call themselves. I think it's safe to say that the call didn't necessarily go well the first time, when they happened to be absent. The second time, someone picked up, but were quick to inform Master that they were new to the office and couldn't provide much information, instead opting to take Master's name, with much difficulty, and call her back later. As they say, third time lucky; they managed to call back before the end of lunchtime and it was confirmed that we didn't have to book the area to use it. What a hassle for nothing!

As Friday rolled around, we were all rather excited however it was a shame that DisneyLoverMolly had to drop out due to family commitments. I must mention that the weather was most kind to us; having been forecasted as heavy rain for the duration of the event, we were instead treated to a fair amount of cloud, which gave the perfect atmosphere for the setting. It was only when we were on our way home that it got drizzly.

Through the whirlwind of events, there were some stand-out moments, such as ArwaChihuahua accidentally stepping on her bag and bursting the bag of crisps that she had inside, Sharah's character attempting to revive Wicks' character, a rather peculiar ritual, and somehow Cap and Master always ended up playing dead on the ground. Along the way, we managed to spot a large group of Nordic hikers roaming through the park, and also confused the heck out of some locals who were having lunch at the café during a 'zombie chase/attack'.

All in all, a jolly good time was had by everyone. To read the full synopsis of events, check out the official LARP report.

Aside from Friday, we experienced a few changes to the lunch hall this week, such as the table arrangement seeming to be rotated by 90°. Also, a few of us reported a strange food option that was offered, consisting of a sausage just sitting on top of a slice of pizza. How usual...

Anyway, until next week, have a good one ;)