.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Tuesday 30 September 2014

Quote Week: October - Day 2

"How long did it take you to pick up that piece of chicken yesterday, 20 minutes?"
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT strikes back at Master's comment about her struggling to pick up curly fries with a fork.

Monday 29 September 2014

Quote Week: October - Day 1

"I had mint tea the other day. It was rather minty."
- J.C.

Story behind quote:
Well great.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Weekly News Round-Up #69: 21/09/2014

G'day everyone and welcome to this week's edition of WNR! I feel like it's been a relatively quiet week for us, especially with trips and whatnots going on. I think I only saw ANT once this week... Oh well, let's recount some of the week's funny moments :)

On a quiet afternoon, when ConscienceSarah, MusicalMark and Master were the only people in the study room, a rather interesting conversation arose. At the time, Sharah was supposed to be reading, Mark was meant to be writing a statement and Master was going to go to town. However, none of that really happened. It started with a piece of paper, which Mark made into a paper boat. Meanwhile Sharah put the wrapper of the straw, from her drink, on her fingers. It's a little challenging to describe, but the point is that a load of unusual stuff was going on. In the end, Mark had written the word 'plan', which also became the name of the paper boat, and Sharah and Master agreed that they'd sail it on a nearby lake. Here's the 'after' photo:
'Plan', by MusicalMark. Photo credits: Jen
What a delightful afternoon that was ;p

Later on in the week, Wicks and Master ventured into town with the objective of purchasing the latest edition of 'The Wicked and the Divine' in mind. After hearing about Master's previous encounter at the comic book shop, where she showed up on the day the comic was released and asked for it straight out of the box it was posted in, Wicks was daring Master to re-enact the whole scenario when they noticed that WicDiv wasn't on its usual shelf. After a little bit of general browsing, Master eventually went for the jugular, so to speak, and enquired about it. Unfortunately, due to a delay in the postage process, it would be hitting the stands the following week.

After making a mental note to go back to the comic book shop next week, the duo decided to grab a drink at good ol' Localville's Baker's Oven. There were plenty of options but, of course, they gravitated towards the Moshi Monsters branded 'Magic Water'. Wicks went for the 'Strawberry & Raspberry Rainbow' whilst Master had 'Blackcurrant Burst'. Even though the drinks looked like water to the naked eye, Wicks' tasted like yogurt and Master's was similar to a typical blackcurrant Starburst. Here's a pic of the drink in question:
Magic Water
Make what you will of that. At the unexpected flavours of this so-called 'Magic Water', Wicks played with the idea of the possibility of going back to the Middle Ages, bottling up 'Magic Water' in quirky perfume bottles and selling them as remedies or potions. After further contemplation, Wicks realised that the main flaw in the plan would be the possibility of being condemned a witch.

[Note: We are not affiliated with any of the above mentioned brands.]

At the end of the week, Cap, ConscienceSarah and Wicks were waiting for the lunch queue to go down a little. Wicks announced that she would go scouting, however Sharah heard 'skelting'. They proceeded to look for a definition of the word and decided it would equate to something like 'pulling a Helen Skelton'...!? We went on to remember when she kayaked down the Amazon River, eventually the topic shifted to a rather grim situation which Sharah appeared to be thoroughly disgusted by. What a wonderful way to end the week.

Well, until next week, have a good one ;p

Sunday 21 September 2014

Weekly News Round-Up #68: 14/09/2014

Welcome back to Weekly News Round-Up, everyone! I hope you’ve all had a spectacular summer, I know I certainly have :)

Well, I can’t express in words the joy I felt at being reunited with everyone back at the Academy this Monday. After such a long time away from the normal routine of seeing each other every day it is great to be back at our usual table, exchanging laughs and banter.

One of the main topics of conversation on the first day was that of mis-pronouncing words and names. Master put more emphasis on the ‘pound’ in Poundland, thus calling it ‘Poundlund’, whilst ANT decided that she would say ‘shar-lay’ instead of ‘chalet’. Later in the week, the ‘Dougie Debate’ also divided the group in terms of the way we speak. In other word news, ‘minty’ turned out to be Master’s word of the day.

Lunchtime saw ANT closely observing Master's struggle to pick up salad leaves with her fork. Considerately, ConscienceSarah tried to make conversation with ANT in an attempt to divert attention from the salad crisis. Around the same time, Wicks was peer-pressuring Sharah into participating in the Academy's musical, however she still refused at the end of the day. Instead, Wicks and Cap auditioned after school and were informed, on Friday, that they had both been given roles!

Tuesday saw ANT display true enthusiasm for the little things that happen every day [sarcasm implied]. Firstly, DisneyLoverMolly asked ANT to get her a fork when she was going to the cafeteria. Typically, DLM was met with a sigh and an unimpressed face, but still got the fork anyway. Our second example of the day came in the form of a job offer such as making posters for the history production. Of course, ANT just slumped in her chair slightly and answered with a simple ‘yes’. Now, we wouldn’t expect anything else from her, would we?
[The above scenarios should not be seen as representative of ANT’s true nature. She just has the nonchalant act down to a ‘t’.]

In the middle of the week, ArwaChihuahua and Wicks had an interesting encounter with an insect during their Chemistry lesson. This involved a reasonably-sized bug walking along the edge of their table, ArwaChihuahua prodding it, which led to it being flung up into the air, only to land on Wicks' book. At this point, both were crying with laughter, causing the rest of the class to be rather confused.

Later on in the day, the Thor-Loki duo came across a case of miscommunication with a certain exams officer. The result of this was a slightly awkward meeting and both sides feeling considerably more peeved than to start with.

The pair continued on this roll of hilarity. On Thursday, they managed to find a novel titled 'Temptation in a Private Zoo' in the library. It's now been made their official study time novel. The aim is to read a few pages every time they're in the library and hopefully they'll finish it by Christmas. We'll keep you posted on their progress ;p

It has also been revealed, this week, that ShoeLobber is a big fan of the classic Masterchef Synthesia. Sometimes, one just can't argue with that buttery buscuit base.

Finally, to end our first week back at the Academy, ANT and Sharah had a game of competitive bottle throw and catch. Who doesn't like these alternative sports!?

Anyways, until next week, have a good one :)

Thursday 11 September 2014

Jen Journeys to Prague - Day 4

Hello there!

So, Thursday was my final day in Prague. I didn't really have much planned, so I thought I'd just go for a walk.
Whatta lovely street
I ended up visiting Vysehrad, which is a fort on a hill over-looking a river. There was a cemetery with a church that played wonderful tunes on the bells every hour.
A view from the walls of Vysehrad

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Jen Journeys to Prague - Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of this series!

Last Wednesday was a day of tram-hopping to get to Prague Castle. I realise that I have very little to say as it's difficult to describe how awesome it was, I recommend that you all go and see it. Of course, I have a selection of low-res photos to show, so here we go...

Scaffolding is a must-have at tourist sites

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Jen Journeys to Prague - Day 2

Wassup guys, welcome to day 2 of my adventures in Prague!

After a somewhat hectic Monday, Tuesday was much quieter. With the weather app promising rain, I thought it'd be the best day to be going to museums. Unfortunately, I have very few pictures to show as I couldn't take photos in the exhibitions. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I did see some very interesting things. One of the national museums held a large collection of items to do with ancient civilizations, which I'm always interested in, along with a collection of East Asian pieces. All in all, I had a fun time looking around the place ;p

Coming out of the museum, I stumbled upon a confectionery shop that had its own chocolate museum, where you could learn about the origins and history of cocoa, the manufacture process and you can even watch a live demonstration of chocolate pralines being made. They also happened to have this chocolate waterfall...

Well isn't that something? But that's it for today, come back tomorrow to catch up with my journey to Prague Castle ;)

Monday 8 September 2014

Jen Journeys to Prague - Day 1

Hello everyone! It's Jen here and welcome to this brand new segment of 'Jen Journeys to...' :) This is 5-day segment where I'm gonna be talking about my recent travels.

Last week, I was lucky enough to be in the fantastic city of Prague! After arriving on Sunday evening, I spent every day, up until Thursday, exploring. Here's how my first day went...

Sunday 7 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 7

"That one we all dismissed as rubbish, based on the awfully written blurb, was possibly the best...don't judge a book by it's cover. Literally."
- H.W.

Story behind quote:
After a summer of reading, Wicks recalls the lesson she has learnt.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 6

"I just want him to come in so I can offer him some antibacterial spray."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
It's the little things that make ANT's day, such as if her brother was to walk into the shoe store she works in.

Friday 5 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 5

Master: "They like having pastel-coloured buildings."
Wicks: "Ala Balamory, but nice..."
- H.W. J.C.

Story behind quote:
Master chats to Wicks about her time in Prague.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 4

"We are going to play this game right. Upright."
- J.C.

Story behind quote:
#TeamEagle pep talk, delivered by Master, before the Messy Twister showdown.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 3

"Killer Sudoku is just so addictive, I think I'm gonna need a patch for that."
- S.A.

Story behind quote:
ConscienceSarah explains how addictive Killer Sudoku truly is. As mentioned in WNR #67.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 2

"One Twister mat to bind us, one to save us all."
- L.R.

Story behidn quote:
The power of the Twister mat, eloquently explained by Cap.

Monday 1 September 2014

Quote Week: September - Day 1

"Even if this was a jungle, you'd be the only chimp around."
 - J.C.

Story behind quote:
Master owns The Appalling One's comment about the 'Laws of the Jungle', as featured in WNR #65.