.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Thursday 28 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 16

"What alleles would you need for a baby with purple hair and green eyes? Leave your answer in surd form."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
The latest installment in ANT's series (a series that she was preiously unaware of) of unanswerable exam questions. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks ANT should be an exam question writer.

Another of ANT's exam questions:
"What is the meaning of life? Leave your answer in surd form."
Yes, surds are a favourite of ANT's.

And also one by Wadz:
"John has 3 apples, Peter has 5 oranges, how old is Adam?"

Wednesday 27 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 15

"...and that was that."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
ANT was explaining how sometimes singers cut off notes that are meant to be long. The sense of finality in this statement was truly hilarious paired up with the facial expression. I commend you for your humour, ANT :)

Tuesday 26 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 14

"I didn't ROFL, I just SALTS."
- J.C. to S.A.

Story behind quote:
Master was laughing at something funny that happened in History. ConscienceSarah thought that her laughter was going on for quite some time, so she decided to ask if it was necessary for her to get out the stretcher and the broom. Naturally, Master was a little confused why a broom was needed, so therefore questioned ConscienceSarah. Apparently it is used to sweep people onto the stretcher. Hmmm, am I the only one who's a little worried?
But anyway, Master explained to ConscienceSarah, "I didn't ROFL, I just SALTS."

ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
SALTS - sniggered/smiled a little then stopped]

Monday 25 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 13

"Are you done now, do you need us to get out the stretcher and the broom?"
- S.A.

Story behind quote:
Come back tomorrow for the second part of this quote :)

Sunday 24 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 12

"How much do you pay for your 'thank you's'? I get mine for free!"
- S.A.

Story behind quote:
In History, DisneyLoverMolly was copying some notes from ConscienceSarah, she was reading it out loud as she was writing and it sounded like she said 'paid more for thank you'. This led ConscienceSarah to ask how much she was paying for her 'thank you's'... ;p

Saturday 23 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 11

"...paid more for...thank you."
- M.B.

Story behind quote:
Check back tomorrow for the second part of this quote ;)

Friday 22 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 10

"...where are the rest of the po-po?"
- A.W.

Story behind quote:
Still on the topic of Wicks' birthday gathering, [Spoilers for The Avengers, if you haven't seen it already.] Wadz was rather appalled at the fact that in The Avengers it seemed that, apart from the super-heroes, the only other people helping were 3 members of the NYPD and 2 of their firemen friends. If you were wondering, I think she was still a little hyper from the snowfall previously in the week, consequently making her a little more chatty.

Thursday 21 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 9

"So they've got 3 policemen and 2 firemen..."
- A.W.

Story behind quote:
Check back tomorrow for the second part of this quote :)

Wednesday 20 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 8

"He's definitely not turning on the charm."
- A.T.

Story behind quote:
At Wicks' birthday gathering, we were watching The Avengers. Spoilers alert for any of you who haven't seen the movie! At the point where Black Widow and Loki were talking, we were all talking over it, so ANT couldn't hear much of what they were saying. To ANT, it seemed as if Loki was trying to 'turn on the charm' as he was smiling devilishly towards Black Widow. All of a sudden he loses his temper, and that is when ANT decided to say, "He's definitely not turning on the charm." It was just the way she said it that made it so much more funnier, added onto the fact that it went quiet in the room, as if we were waiting for her to say that. Fun times ;p

Tuesday 19 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 7

"Just going to drown doing backstroke in a waist-deep river."
- K.W. H.W. J.C.

Story behind quote:
When watchign a film in their History lesson, Ruby, Wicks and Master became a little puzzled at the fact that one of the characters managed to drown in a waist-deep river because she couldn't swim. Why not stand up?

Monday 18 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 6

Wadz: "Wicks knows about the Olympics..."
Wicks: "Do I?"
Wadz: "I thought you went."
Wicks: " I did."
Wadz: "Well there you go, then!"
- A.W. H.W.

Story behind quote:
One lunchtime we were talking about the Olympics. According to Wadz, whoever involved in taking part or spectating are presumed to know pretty much everything about it. I guess that rule can be applied some of the time...

Sunday 17 February 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #19: 10/02/2013

So, 'what's been going on this week?' I hear you ask. Here we tell all...

This week has been pretty hectic, in my opinion, but we all managed to pull through in the end.

Monday was rather interesting. In our Biology lesson, Wicks became a security guard. It happened that in the textbook there was a picture of a mole. Wicks spotted it first, alerting everyone else about it. Master looks over to see what Wicks is talking about, but instead Wicks says good-naturedly, "Look at your own mole!" Hence, this became the VIP Mole!

Also in Biology, Ruby and wicks decided to start a new trend: they will draw something in the back of the Blog Book every Biology lesson. I wonder what they'll draw next lesson...

On Tuesday morning, ANT posed a rather interesting question to everyone: what subjects would you choose if you went to Hogwarts? ANT went for Potions and Care of Magical Creatures, whilst Wicks considered Charms and Herbology. Here is a list of subjects, what would you choose?

At lunchtime, the Paint Argument between ArwaChihuahua and ANT was brought up once again. The debate about a paint rota appeared rather controversial. Many a time Ruby commented on how this argument resembles one of an old married couple ;p

In the middle of the week, Master took it upon herself to participate in this week's Assembly Music Act. The record has not been broken yet...

It seems like we've all had a rather tiresome week. After German, our last lesson on Friday, ANT said, "I swear I'm just getting through life by luck." In the lesson, ANT had gotten away with not having to be questioned by the teacher in the 'Speaking Line'. Furthermore, she is probably the only one who has never been called up for 'HotSeat'. I wonder if she ever will get called up... ;p

Until next week, have a good one :)

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 5

"Enjoy being in the community? I hate you all!"
- A.W.

Stry behind quote:
As you may or may not remember, I briefly touched on the fact that the snow day (as mentioned in Weekly News Round-Up: 27/01/2013) seemed to turn everyone against eachother. Here is a prime example of Wadz's feelings towards everyone else on the day.

Saturday 16 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 4

"I'm snow happy!"
- R.M.

Story behind quote:
Whatta pun! On a snowy day, Master misheard what the Beckster said...lol!

Friday 15 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 3

"...now they've just replenished the ammunition. Thanks Mother Nature."
- S.A.

Story behind quote:
After some rather heavy snowfall one day in January, ConscienceSarah decided to have a little rant about how a lot of the boys in school were throwing snowballs.

Thursday 14 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 2

"The cake is kicking in..."
- S.A.

Story behind quote:
It could be either a good thing or a bad thing when ConscienceSarah walks into History after eating cake. It seems to make her a little hyper...

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope you are all having a wonderful day with your loved ones :)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent: Day 1

"John has 3 apples, Peter has 5 oranges, how old is Adam?"
- A.W.

Story behind quote:
One of the things that we all find rather annoying is in exams they give you some sort of impossible question. Here is Wadz's example of one.

Lent begins!

So, here we have the lead-up to Easter!
Make sure to check back everyday for our '40 Quotes of Lent' to help you get through these 40 days of giving up something.
What's everyone giving up? Comment below :)

Tuesday 12 February 2013

40 Quotes of Lent...coming soon!

Starting tomorrow we have 40 consecutive days of quotes! What more could you want? Keep checking back each day for a new quote :)

Pancake Day!

I hope everyone's having a good Pancake Day!
Comment below your favourite pancake topping ;p

Sunday 10 February 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #18: 03/02/2013

Well, hello again! Not a lot has gone on this week, but here goes...

Monday morning was pretty intense as ANT and Master kicked off the week with some intense college applying. You have no idea how difficult it was for them to just press the 'send application' button, so they eventually did a little 3-2-1 countdown and pressed the button at the same time. Gosh, it was pretty nerve-wracking!

Later on at lunchtime, ArwaChihuahua managed to spot an ANT look-a-like. Even though she was taller and had a different hair colour, all of us, apart from ANT, agreed that there was a certain resemblance there. Meanwhile, ANT got rather annoyed at this, especially when they decided to go over and talk to 'Ginger ANT' as they like to call her ;p

Another discovery that ANT made that lunchtime was that her yogurt drink tasted like liquid 'Love Hearts' (y'know, those sweets?) How delightful :)

On Tuesday, Wicks, ANT and Master talked a little about games and some of the glitches. During the conversation, Nintendogs was mentioned, to which ANT complained how when you go on walks you always try to go for the presents, but half of the time it turns out to be someone criticising your dog. It was also brought up that you can never win in the obedience competition. Master found it strange that the dogs always seemed to be eating the side of the bowl instead of the stuff inside it. Other glitches in games that were brought up were such as in Sims when they try to walk but there's an obstacle in the way, so they end up walking but still stay on the same spot. Other times, for example on FIFA, the player's body happens to be in the ground but the feet are on top of the ground, so it just ends up looking peculiar.

In their weekly PE lesson, they had the principal observing. It was truly surprising to ANT and Master that when the principal went over to talk to their group, the one to answer was the guy who wrote 'sehr quick' in his German assessment (you remember him?) He turned out to be a seemingly confident speaker.

Later on in the lesson, they were in the fitness suite. There was one incident where ANT was on the rowing machine and decided to let the chain pull her back (as if she were Spiderman), however it didn't end all too well as the seat got stuck at the end and she had to pull it out. Afterwards, ANT looked around, hoping that no one saw her, but there's always one person who saw it all happen and in this case it was Master. Lol ;p

A rather large discussion topic this week has been the argument about whether you'd choose a wand over a gun to protect yourself. Many argued that they would need a lot of training in order to use a wand effectively, however it could potentially be a much more useful weapon than a gun. The group was pretty torn between both options, whilst ANT decided to play devil's advocate.

This week we have seen the return of the Assembly Music Act Record! We're all very excited that it is back and cannot wait to see if the previous record can be beaten.

History lessons this week have been filled with more discussions about the similarities between Harry Potter and Jesus. However the main topic has been the Book Club, which was set up on Friday. They did a lot of planning, so I think it's safe to say that there will be a lot going on in the coming weeks! Exciting :)

On Friday, ShoeLobber, ANT and Master did a German presentation on their supposed holiday together to the Amazonian rainforests on Llama with David Attenborough, Blitzen the Reindeer, Tarzan and Pocahontas. (No, this didn't really happen, but could you imagine if it did...it would be awesome!)

Until next week, have a good one :)

Happy Year of the Snake!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! :)

Monday 4 February 2013

MouseMouseMonday #22: Films 2013 - Part 2

So here we have part 2! Let's get stuck into it :)

Going from where we left off, we have 'Ender's Game'
Currently not a lot has been given away, but I hear that the book is rather good, so whilst I wait, I shall read :)
'Ender's Game' is set to land in cinemas on 25th October.

Next...another Marvel movie...'Thor 2: The Dark World'!
Another film that Wicks and Master are both looking forward to, however there's not a lot to show for this film as of yet. More waiting...
'Thor 2: The Dark World' will be released on 8th November.
Why not check out the IMDb page?

Not long after the release of Thor, we have the second Hunger Games installment...'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire'
It has been reported that they have just wrapped up shooting, but they've also released the official film poster, take a look:
Image from http://mockingjay.net/2013/01/14/lionsgate-releases-catching-fire-teaser-poster/
'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' will be released 22nd November.

And last but not least, we have 'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug'!
Firstly, whatta novel! This is simply a must-see for all Ringers, especially after the first one.
'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug' is set for release on 13th December.

Well, that all seems like a long way away, but I'm pretty sure time will fly by.
Until next time, have a good week ;)

Sunday 3 February 2013

First review ever on the Book Club!

Hey guys!

Head over now to the Book Club to check out the first ever review by ConscienceSarah on the book, 'Touch Not the Cat'!
Here's the link: http://weirdandwonderfulbookclub.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/review-consciencesarah-on-touch-not-cat.html

Weekly News Round-Up #17: 27/01/2013

Well, this week has indeed been a good ol' mix of snow, Avengers and humour.

Monday was a rather interesting day. We had a lot of snow over the weekend and everyone was anticipating a snow day, however that didn't happen. We were one of the only schools open on that day, with a total attendence of 27%. Yeah, it's a bit low.
However, the snow had quite an effect on everyone. Somehow, it enhanced our personalities, for example, Wadz was super hyper whilst ANT was 10 times more blunt than usual (yeah, it's possible). On top of that, everyone hated everyone else. What a lovely day.

But Monday wasn't all hate, I was informed of one of the best inventions ever, the Messy Mat. ANT told me how her grandad used to (and still does, to this day) put a mat under her chair when she was eating so if she dropped something it would be easier to clean. Now that is just brilliant :)

Tuesday saw the disappearance of ANT and Wicks and Master having a good ol' chat about villains and other stuff.
In PE, Wicks and Master were in the fitness suite, so they had plenty of time to go through a range of topics, such as Marvel's Avengers, who their favourite Avenger is (check out the poll), How It Should Have Ended, Divergent, The Mortal Instruments and shoddy villains.
After much discussion, they came to the conclusion that many villains are actually not very good at being villains. Wicks was particularly critical about Voldemort, who she stated was a 'borderline poor' villain because he clearly doesn't think through his plans very well, however excells in the field of minnion manipulation.
They came to the conclusion that there should be some sort of villain school, where villains are trained in the art of being evil because, to be fair, shoddy villains do let down a good story. On this topic, they imagined what it would be like to hold a parent's evening, but instead have the villains' respective heroes with them. Along with heroes' evening, they thought about villains school reports. They would perhaps be assessed on the following skills: power, cunning, evil scheming, minnion manipulation and public speaking. Sounds like fun, eh?

On Tuesday lunchtime, Wicks stated a hypothesis: who you see as a hero depends on who you are. Discuss.

Onto other matters, we had a little discussion about Autocorrect and text talk. We talked about how Autocorrect sometimes saves the wrong spelling of a word and then corrects the correct spelling. Or other times when you manage to spell a word so wrong it's as if the phone's saying to you, 'Even I don't have any suggestions, you idiot.'

The main song of the week that Ruby and Wicks have been obssessed with is the Olympic Mascot Song. I must say, it has to be the happiest song I've ever heard :)

Thursday was Wicks' birthday! It was simple, but I'm pretty sure everyone had a pretty awesome time. However, only 1 out of the 4 baloons that ArwaChihuahua gave Wicks survived the day ;p

If anyone's wondering about ANT, no, she was ill for most of the week. But I think she's now better, yay!

On Saturday, Wicks had her birthday gathering, which ANT, ArwaChihuahua, Wadz, the Beckster and Master gladly attended. They had a wonderful time watching The Avengers and The Raven, with Wadz remarking at every scene, and eating a very meaty pizza.
At the beginning, they had a rather lengthy debate on which pizza to order, as they just couldn't decide which pizza was more meaty.
Then they watched The Avengers, where ANT was confused for a good portion of it, they discussed who the best Avenger is and Wadz couldn't get over the fact that, in the movie, they only had 3 members of the NYPD out on the scene, later joined by 2 firemen (sorry for ruining it for anyone who hasn't seen it). Also, ANT marvelled (you like the reference?) at the fact that the Hulk understood the word 'smash'.
Later, they watched The Raven. Now, it has to be said that that film has the word 'grisly' written all over it (literally and metaphorically). [If you haven't seen this film and don't want me to ruin it for you, skip to the next word highlighted in bold to avoid potential spoliers.] Even though it is meant to be a thriller, no one could take it seriously because of the stuff Wadz was saying. It turned out that everyone heard the word 'Baltimore' as 'Voldemort', and they just called all the characters, apart from Poe, Emily and the guy with vampire teeth, Griswald.

Well, that was one hell of a week, right? Can't wait till the next one!

Until next week, have a good one :)

Friday 1 February 2013

2 words. Truly incredible.

I dunno if you guys have seen this, but this guy's skills are truly remarkable. Kelvin Okafor's drawings are so life-like that they have been mistaken for photographs a lot of the time. Don't believe me? Watch this:

Isn't that crazy?! Check out some of his other drawings on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kokaforart/
Or take a look at his blog: http://kelvinokaforart.blogspot.co.uk/

Brand new...!

Hey guys!

I am so excited to announce that I have just set up a new Book Club in the form of a blog! The idea for this new blog came from ConscienceSarah and all this week we have been planning for this. It will include reviews and discussions on our recent reads and I can't wait for us to get it off the ground! I shall alert you when the first review comes out as it should be some time next week, but for now you can check out the layout and the introductory post here: http://weirdandwonderfulbookclub.blogspot.co.uk/