.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

Search This Blog

Thursday 25 November 2010


Hey gerbils!
Wouldn't it just totally rock if we got up to 300 page views??? Well for that to happen I need your help. Tell as many people as possible about this blog and also check back frequently! Thanks a gerbillion!

Please vote!

You may have already seen the new poll about whether there should be a "Chuck Norris Corner" on this blog. I would love to see your opinions on this and if a large percentage says "Yes" then this will be the new thing for the New Year! Also, comment on this post if you have any ideas. Thanks! :)

Check out the new poll!

There is a new poll here! Why not check it out and vote? Thanks a gerbillion!

Shout-out to Nasha!

This is a special shout-out to Nasha, who, all of us gerbils, hope is well after her visit to the doctors! Love you lots! You are a legend! LOL! :D

Sunday 21 November 2010

Full moon tonight...

Hey there!
Did you know, that it's supposed to be a full moon tonight! Fascinating, isn't it???

Friday 19 November 2010

This week...

Well, what a week this one has been...
Today was an immense day, the Sixth Form at Nasha Academy all dressed up in fancy dress for Children In Need! We caught sight of Superman, Sherlock Holmes, Tigger and Tinky Winky! I hope everybody has donated some money, even if it is just one pence. Every penny counts, every little helps! No, no, no, that's Tesco. Woops! ;) Who's watching the Children In Need Appeal Show tonight??? It's on at 7pm on BBC One and BBC One HD.

Thursday 18 November 2010

We have hit 200 page views!!! Woop woop!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to these 200 page views. I ♥ you all! What can we do for a celebration though? Please comment!

Other blogs...

Don't forget to check out my friends' blogs! They are all amazing!!! Just go to the 'Other blogs' section, which should be on the left hand side on this blog!

Check it out, it's Pudsey Gerbil!!!

OMG, guess who's here, it's Pudsey Gerbil!!!
Remember to wear your spots and raise lots!

Coming soon...a new Random Pic!

Hey there, gerbils!
Just telling you about a new Random Pic that should be put up very soon after I have posted this post. Don't go anywhere!

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Special shout-out!

A big thank you to that legend that is following me!
Cheers, man! :D

New stuff :)

Check out my new 'Random Pic' and 'Random Stuff' section that is on the right hand side column of this blog!

It's near the season to be jolly falalalalalalalala!

As it is nearing the festive season, I have decided to do a Quote Advent Calendar! Which is where I will post a random quote for each of the 25 days to Christmas. As you may have gathered, we Gerbils like randomness! LOL. x

Back again...!

Just to let you know, I might sometimes do a random post, just because I feel like it...! Yeah, and if you have a problem with that, please contact the helpline: 0800 G3R B1L

More stuff!!!

Why not scroll down and check out the 'Hobbies' section that is still new to this blog.
Also check out the blogs of my friends in the 'Other blogs' section
See you later!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Children In Need!

As Children In Need is coming up this Friday, I hope that everyone who reads this post will go away and try to raise some money! I will certainly be raising lots as I am good friends with Pudsey Bear! LOL

Hey there!

Good day, gerbils! Just reminding you to keep checking back every so often because there is lots of new stuff coming your way!

Monday 15 November 2010

Please comment!

Please can I just remind you to comment on things if you like stuff or want me to follow you etc. Nothing nasty please!

Thanks a gerbillion!!! :)

It's not only me who's on a mission!

The reason why Master is unable to assist me on my mission is because Master is also on a mission. The mission Master is on is far more greater than mine. Master is out to battle the Ultimate Wan (who is pretty godly)!!! Equipped with both stares (wide-eyed and The Look) and Fork (a fork through a Pasta King pot. No really, it does more damage than it sounds) Master will battle the Ultimate Wan...
I will also inform you on Master's mission as well as my own :)

Until next time gerbil fans,
Gerry the Gerbil.

Hello! It's MouseMouse here!

Squeak! Hello, my name is MouseMouse. I am the mouse that occasionally comes and plays on the computer mouse, get it?!?! I like writing stuff on Gerry's blog. I live inside the GerbilMaestro, Gerry knows me pretty well so dont worry, I am not an intruder! You will hear from me occasionally.
Well, until next time, bye for now.

On a mission...

Oh no! Stas has knicked the key and remote to the new model of the GerbilMaestro. OMG!!! This is not good as I will have to get it back. The GerbilMaestro 5000 (new model) is a dangerous tool and cannot be handled by amateur Gerbils. I must get it back before it causes chaos, damage and mass destruction!!! Ok, maybe not mass destruction, but you get the idea, right??? I will be on this mission for a long time, and it will be difficult without the help of Master, who, as you may know, is a kungfu master and sensei. Do not worry though, I will keep you updated on my adventures via the GerbilMaestro.

New stuff, gerbil fans!

Hey there, gerbils!
There's new stuff, today! Scroll down to find the section about "The Birth of Gerry the Gerbil".
I apologize for not being able to do the daily post, but there is a problem with the GerbilMaestro, it seems to lose Internet connection every few days or so. I will get Jeremy, the hypnotist, to come and fix it later.
Peace, gerbils! :)

Friday 5 November 2010

Good day!

Hi there! It's Gerry again. Just wanted to say hi and to wish you a good Bonfire Night!

Thursday 4 November 2010

News, people, listen up!

Hello again! From now on there will be a daily post everyday. Only under critical conditions will I not be able to post.

First post! Exciting :D

Hello there! Wow, this is the first ever post! I hope you enjoy reading this blog, check back frequently to see new posts. Thanks!