.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday 30 December 2012

Weekly News Round-Up #14: 23/12/2012

Our last week of school before the holidays! Yayy :) This week has been fairly laid back, a few assessments, but no biggie.

Monday morning form time saw ANT have a bit of a rant about certain shops. After shopping over the weekend, she decided to share what was troubling her.
I’m sure many people can relate to this, but one of the things bugging ANT was the fact that shops that smelt heavily of perfume were selling perfume. The point was made that you can’t smell the perfume you want to buy in the shop, so why sell it?
Another thing that annoyed ANT was that some shops had very long queues because they only had one person on the till. Meanwhile, the rest of the employees were just hanging around not doing anything! We agreed it was rather ridiculous that they weren’t doing what they were being paid to do.

Here we have the follow-up to Master’s previous football astro surf in her series of sporting fails. In P.E. on Tuesday, Master got hit in the face during a game of Danish Longball. It still puzzles me how the ball managed to maintain such force after being thrown a fair distance and also bounce off of ANT! It was rather comical ;p

In the middle of the week, we had our Christmas house assembly. I think many people would agree with me that it was rather uneventful and forgettable, so let’s move on…

Later on that day, at lunchtime, Ruby so graciously presented us with Christmas gifts. Some people opened theirs and some didn’t. At first, ANT promised herself that she wasn’t going to open any presents until Christmas Day, however, when she saw that everyone else was opening chocolate, she quickly discarded that previous resolution and just went ‘Yolo!’ In response, Wadz and Wicks started to sing the word ‘lies’ to the theme of Harry Potter :p

Wednesday night was the annual Christmas Concert, which included an incredible performance by Wicks and an equally memorable performance by ConscienceSarah. ArwaChihuahua and Master both attended to support them.
During the concert, there were many opportunities for audience participation, but Wicks was rather disappointed when ArwaChihuahua didn’t sing a single note during any of the songs.
Meanwhile, ConscienceSarah’s performance was most entertaining. Sarah played the clarinet in an ensemble, but in the middle of the piece there was a percussion interlude, which involved her quickly switching to a wonderful wooden percussion instrument which I unfortunately am unable to name.
Overall, it was a wonderful night, which I thoroughly enjoyed :)

On Thursday, ANT and Master were watching a German film in their German lesson. I dunno if any of you have seen it, but it’s called ‘Die Vorstadtkrokodile’. It was quite good, but what really surprised ANT and Master was that they could actually keep up with the storyline. What fun!

At lunchtime, it was the annual Christmas Fair, where each form must provide a stall of some description. After a few days of planning, we just decided that we were going to do what we do best - wing it on the day. Come lunchtime, we set up our stall of throw-the-bauble-into-the-cup-to-win-a-prize. Rather self-explanatory, isn’t it? ANT thought that aim of it was pretty much impossible, she said, “I mean, you can’t win this thing. It’s great!” After a few customers, we noticed it was unsuccessful and just sold our prizes. Even though customers were scarce, we managed to make around £10 profit. From what I’ve heard from other forms, we’ve actually made more than a lot of them. Well that’s a first!

Friday was a mix of Christmas quizzes, cards and more quizzes. ANT decided to bring up the point that she thought it was a little strange when inside Christmas cards they write, ‘…have a special new year.’ I take your point, ANT, I agree that you wouldn’t normally describe new years as ‘special’

In the last lesson, ANT and Master continued with their tradition: A Christmas game of Squares! It was an extremely intense game but it was Master who got the final string of squares. Whatta game!

Until next week, have a good one :)

[Note: There will not be another Weekly News Round-Up until Sunday 13th January 2013]

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