.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Tuesday 1 December 2015

Ad-Jen-t Calendar 2015 - Day 1

Hello everyone!

For this year's advent calendar I thought we'd do something a little bit different. Gonna be honest here and say that we don't have many quotes unfortunately, but I still really wanted to keep up this Christmas tradition. So, the plan is to post every day leading up to Christmas. There should be quite a range of stuff, basically just me sharing whatever I can think of...

To start off, I thought today's post could just be a bit of a catch-up, since I haven't really shared what I've been up to. Thinking about it now, I don't even know where to begin! It's been a busy few months where I've met a large number of new people, started a course that I'm really enjoying at the moment (found out I actually quite like stats and business law, who knew) and also learned to write Hiragana in my Japanese classes.

It's been a surreal and wonderful experience, which has also messed with my mind a little bit; I'm not quite sure any more how time works... It feels like a long time since I moved away from Localville, yet the past weeks have flown by so quickly and now it's nearing Christmas already... I guess the only appropriate word to describe it all is 'crazy'.

But back to the present, this is a pretty busy week; I've got a test on Friday, which I'm not looking forward to and stressing out about (only a little). There's this habit that I've sorta gotten into during exam weeks where I tend to eat cereal at night. I need to shake that one off, not the most healthy thing to be into.

Apart from the test, I'm going to a carol service with some friends tomorrow night. Should definitely get me into a Christmas-y mood. My current attempts at being festive are quite pathetic; a dark green jumper and my Christmas socks (basically socks with a pattern of stockings... sock-ception much?)

Anyways, that should probably be it for today. Look forward to something different tomorrow.

Until then, have a good day :D

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