.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday 7 April 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #25: 31/03/2013

Hello there! What a fabulous week it has been :)

This week, Master had an interview on Tuesday. ANT seemed to perceive that this school had such a large decline rate that they needed a stamp that said 'DECLINE' in capitals.
We discussed the different reasons why you might possibly get declined. If it says that you learn an extra language on your CV, maybe they'll try to put you off by asking you questions in that language. And if you stutter, that's a 'DECLINE', my friend. Perhaps if you use an informal greeting when you are expected to speak formally it will be a 'DECLINE'?
Thankfully none of that happened on the day :)

I'm not sure if it's just me, but it seems that this week in particular has been quite surprising. Upon returning from the interview, the usually expressionless receptionists were trying to be humourous. For a reason(s) that I do not know, Wadz was remixing The Beatles at lunchtime. And to top it off, Ruby and Wicks tried on a pair of Yorkshire accents, complete with t-ing (phonetic sound of 't').

It has to be noted that Master has been missing quite a few lunchtimes this week due to extra work. On a particular day, Master had a 3-scoop music day, where she went in to music 3 times.

But the lunchtimes that Master was there for, we witnessed the follow-up to ArwaChihuahua's yogurt incident from last week. This week it was a crisp packet that she managed to burst. There seems to be a recurring trend in incidents that lead to the conclusion that ArwaChihuahua has issues with opening any sort of packaging.

This week's debate was on the pronunciation of the word 'creme', frequently used as the name of the 'Creme Egg'. Do you say it as [cr-eem] or [crem]? Because, in theory, it should be the latter. It's like the word 'mentos'. Do you say [men-toes] or [men-toss]?

Further on in the week, we witnessed a bunch of kids racing to climb the wall where we hang out at lunch. It was indeed rather amusing watching them, especially when they failed and tried to blow it off as doing something else. At one point we even commentated for afar.

In other lunchtime news, Wadz got rather annoyed at ANT's inability to differentiate between a raisin and a blackcurrant.

This week has also seen Wadz and Master in the funniest Geography lesson ever. It happened that no one could remember what a certain individual said, which resulted in that individual having to repeat themself at least 10 times, minimum.

But the highlight of the week is, without a doubt, egg rolling! They put the plan into action on Friday and painted at rolled/smashed some eggs. It was a day of immense fun, ANT only having one glove and the fact that everyone was in awe of the towel hanging technology in Wicks' bathroom. Read all about it in the egg rolling report.

Until next week, have a good one :)

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