.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday, 4 May 2014

Weekly News Round-Up #59: 27/04/2014

Hey guys, wassup my home dawgs?!! This week's opening line was inspired by the one and only ConscienceSarah, whose birthday was just this Monday. It was great to hear that she'd had a wonderful time :)

Tuesday saw a bunch of us, namely Wicks, ANT, Ruby, DisneyLoverMolly and Master, having a conversation and generally catching up with eachother on Skype. One rather notable feature of the call was the background noise coming from ANT's end of the line. It sounded very much like she was being abducted by aliens, with plenty of teleportation sound effects every once in a while. What was strange was that ANT claimed that everything was quiet at her house and she could not hear any of the reported sounds.

During the chat, Wicks shared with us an advert that particularly impressed her. Take a look:
[Note: We are not affiliated with Wilkinson. This video was shared purely for the sake of entertainment.]

Wednesday was the first official day back at the Academy. It was wonderful to see everyone again, but one of the highlights of the day was when we presented ConscienceSarah with her birthday card. The card and enjelope (no, that is not a typo, we shall now refer to envelopes as enjelopes) were both made by DisneyLoverMolly, and let me just say hats off to DLM for making such a hilarious and brilliant card! It was signed by all relevant parties, including the honey badgers and the Weave Monster. The best part was definitely seeing the reaction on ConscienceSarah's face as she opened the enjelope and was delighted by the sight before her. Naturally, there was no better way to end that lunchtime other than treating ourselves to a slice of Sharah's birthday cake, made by Master. All in all, a jolly good time was had by all. Apart from ANT, who went home (well, whatta surprise).

That same afternoon, Ruby, Wicks and Master came across a rather interesting phenomenon, one that we have definitely seen before. They were on the computers when Wicks was trying to open a PDF document, however it was not compatible with the browser. But here's where the fun starts, the window that popped up was lagging, therefore, when dragged around the window, it would leave a trail. Perhaps you'll understand better with some pictorial evidence.
You see what I mean? Consequently, this reminded us of a previous occasion when this happened.
Hence, we posed the question, Loki'd or Adobe'd?
If you're keen on Loki'd, here's the site: http://you-were-made-to-be-lokid.tumblr.com/

Thursday saw Wicks and Master in matching olive green clothing. In other news, ConscienceSarah took off her watch during a study lesson, however kept looking at her watchless wrist for the time. Master was able to relate to this as she explained that she often finds herself trying to push up her spectacles even with she is not wearing them. As a result of this, she has to find a way of disguising her mistake in case anyone noticed her blunder.

Lunchtime was most eventful due to the addition of pisnachios (as Wicks likes to call them) to DisneyLoverMolly's lunch. Naturally, along with pistachios comes double the amount of waste, in the form of halves of a shell. Let me tell you now, there are so many different ways to entertain oneself with pistachio shells. We had a variety of pistachio-based games, including pistachio wars (with the shells as ammunition to be flicked across the table), pistachio towers (where the aim was to build the highest tower possible in a group. The first to knock over the tower loses, so it had some elements of Jenga) and creating artwork. Here are a few picks to help you imagine what it was like.
'Pistachio Towers' in action
Pisnachio art by Wicks

On Friday, we did some brain-storming as to what activities we can do during summer. I an in possession of quite an extensive list ranging from Spy Masters to segueing. There were, however, some activities that we had to rule out, for example, a trip to Big Sky, due to the fact that the majority of us are over the height limit. Never mind... ;p

Until next week, have a good one :)

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