.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Timeline of Events

Let's take a stroll down Memory Lane and chart the events that have made this blog what it is today!

01/12/2014: 100,000 pageviews

14/10/2014: 50,000 pageviews

Anya Stark's first appearance
Event - Messy Twister

01/08/2014: The first biannual review
Time to get official.

Turning point - The Revival
ANT's first TV review

18/05/2014: Memorable moment - The creation of Balloon Jen
How frightening.

11/05/2014: Oski Bear's first contribution

06/04/2014: Memorable moment - The first mention of B.A.D.G.E.R.

21/02/2014: Memorable moment - A plan for the Perfect Sandwiches Head Quarters

07/02/2014: 1000th post


Turning point - The lanch of the Perfect Sandwiches YouTube channel
The Pilot Episode of the Podcaast
The launch of the @SandwichCrew Twitter account

03/11/2013: Event - Avengers Assemble Movie Marathon

20/10/2013: Cap's first appearance

22/09/2013: Wicks' first drawing to be featured

18/09/2013: New segment - What's App-ening Wednesday

09/09/2013: First edition of Wadz's Poetry Wednesday

19/08/2013: First Exam Results Quote Week

25/07/2013: The introduction of DeutschDonnerstag

03/07/2013: New segment - Wicks' Campfire Tales

03/06/2013: Memorable moment - Lovely cholera

24/05/2013: Memorable moment - A photo with B-Cox
I will never forget this. First backing out, but then having ArwaChihuahua power on and chasing down B-Cox, all for a photo.

13/05/2013: New segment - Exam Quote Week

10/05/2013: Alexis' first appearance

Memorable moment - The Hulk Cake, by ANT
First installment in the Nagini Series

31/03/2013: Event - Egg Rolling (featuring The Indestructible Marble Egg)
Even though it was a ridiculously cold day, we still had a tremendous time trying to smash eggs down a hill.

29/03/2013: The first Great Revision Quiz

23/03/2013: Memorable moment - Dustbin Corner

17/03/2013: Origin story of the Aswa-Wicks conflict
Now this really has been going on for ages. I can't be sure when it started but it seems like it will last till the end of time.

03/03/2013: 10,000 page-views

03/02/2013: First Book Blog review

01/02/2013: Turning point - The launch of the Book Blog

16/01/2013: ConscienceSarah's first written contribution to the blog


31/12/2012: New segment - Top 12 Moments of the Year

23/12/2012: Memorable moment - Sehr quick
This was and still is hilarious! I couldn't resist putting it into this list.

16/12/2012: First mention of conflict between ArwaChihuahua and Wicks

02/12/2012: Memorable moment - The Boccia Debate is settled
It's been funny compiling this list and seeing that the Boccia Debate actually only lasted for 2-3 weeks but, at the time, it felt like the longest-running argument ever! I guess we'd always bring it up even after it was 'settled'.

First official appearance of ConscienceSarah and DLM
Memorable moment - First mention of the Boccia Debate

07/11/2012: First mention of ConscienceSarah and DisneyLoverMolly

30/09/2012: New segment - Weekly News Round-Up
Who'd have thought that this would end up being our most popular segment! I often read some of the earlier stuff back and still find typos, but it's still fun. Certain events never get old for me and I find myself having a little chuckle still.

23/09/2012: Turning point - First mention of WNR

06/02/2012: Wicks' first official appearance


25/12/2011: First mention of Wicks
Even though Simon Wicks joined the Academy in September, it took a little while for us to work her into the blog. I remember being unsure for the longest time whether she liked the name 'Wicks' or not.

16/12/2011: The beginning of the Squares tradition

04/11/2011: Turning point - It appears that Master discovered the 'schedule' function
And that's when things got easier, as well as ANT becoming more unimpressed.

04/07/2011: New segment - Quote Week

23/06/2011: First mention of Quote Week

09/05/2011: New segment - MouseMouseMonday post

09/03/2011: New segment - 40 Quotes of Lent

17/01/2011: News columns added

12/01/2011: News columns suggested (WNR's predecessor)

03/01/2011: Addition of the Hall of Fame (the predecessor of this timeline)

01/01/2011: Addition of the Fish Tank
I guess this was the time I got a little obsessed with the gadgets that were available.


First mention of ShoeLobber
First mention of The Beckster
New segment - 12 Days of Christmas

07/12/2010: First mention of ArwaChihuahua

06/12/2010: First official mention of ANT and Wadz

05/12/2010: First mention of Sharah

03/12/2010: The Appalling One's first appearance
Who'd have thought The Appalling One was involved so early on!

02/12/2010: First mention of Ruby
It only makes sense that the person who inspired me to start this blog should be the first one mentioned.

New segment - Christmas Corner
New segment - Quote Advent Calendar
I really have no idea how we kept track of all these quotes. This was back in the days when things weren't so well organised.

18/11/2010: ANT's first drawing for the Blog
Surely this goes to show that ANT has been on this rollercoaster ride of a journey all the way from the beginning. I don't remember ever asking her to draw this, but I guess it was just her variation of the original Gerbil logo. I still like to put this up every year when Children In Need is on.

17/11/2010: First Random Pic
It's not called a random pic for nothing. I think I just plucked this picture of the web, or maybe it was a screenshot from a YouTube video? My bet is on the latter.

04/11/2010: First post
I still remember writing that first post. It was a big mix of excitement, not knowing what to say and realising it didn't matter very much since hardly anyone would ever read it!