.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Twitter: @SandwichCrew
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6HHYrI6tNqXx0Wy0TpMfPQ
Email: perfectsandwiches@gmail.com

Official font: 'Janda Manatee' by dafont.com
Official illustrator: Simon Wicks
Blog design and template from Blogger

.: The Birth of Gerry the Gerbil :.
Wanna know how it all started??? Well, it was all thanks to Nasha! One day, Master was telling Mexx about her evil double, but Nasha just had to come along and mistake the word double for gerbil. And there, Master, Mexx and Nasha witnessed the birth of (drum roll, please) GERRY THE GERBIL!!! Wowee!!!

.: Actual info about me :.
My name is Gerry. I am a gerbil. I live with my master. Now if you didn't understand the welcome message (the part about the GerbilMaestro, etc. to be precise), well then do not fear. Here is the part where I explain it all to you. Being the gerbil that I am, I have to walk on this planet through a machine, the GerbilMaestro. I do this because of health and safety reasons (people screaming at me saying I'm cute). I go to school on some days instead of my master. Master attends Nasha Academy (the Nashanal Academy of Science, History and the Arts). On other days I let my friends control the GerbilMaestro because I have to attend to my actual career as the boss of the major Gerbilmanian sandwich company, Perfect Sandwiches.
I hope this has helped you understand a little more about me. Thank you for actually reading all this, it took me lots of effort to write it!

.: Awesome peeps that I go to school with :.
Here is a list of some of the dudettes I am lucky enough to go to school with:

Master - I have to be extremely good at schoool when operating the GerbilMaestro cause if I'm not, Master will kill me! But genuinely I love Master. Master is a kungfu sensei with an extreme sense of humour!

Cap. - one of the newest additions to the group. The best combination of wit, intelligence and spirit, we are indeed lucky to have her on board.

DisneyLoverMolly - the name is rather self-explanatory! She is in Master's history class and is often accused of trying to poison ConscienceSarah (yes, the conversation does like making frequent appearances on our row of tables). Her hobbies include doodling and singing Disney songs! Pretty cool, if you ask me ;p

ConscienceSarah - if you have not guessed already, she is Master's conscience (no, don't make the mistake of asking about it or else you'll just get sucked into a lengthy and confusing explanation about parallel universes and other things of the sort). Also in Master's history class, she holds a strong belief that all Disney films are about finding yourself (DisneyLoverMolly, BaffledHarrison and Master often try to prove her wrong), and is also incapable of pronouncing 'Pocahontas'.

ANT - Master's stumblin' form buddy! She's an amazing artist who has a slightly weird bro who shouted out "AWESOME" at a time of panic :)

Wadz - this legend always makes me laugh no matter what! She is the one who discovered Harlequin the Hamster!

ArwaChihuahua - Awww! Whenever you see her you just have to say awww and think she is cute! I mean who can deny it? You just can't argue with that lil' face now, can ya?!

Simon Wicks - incredibly intelligent, incredibly witty and incredibly awesome in general!

Ruby - an awesome lil' creature even though I get annoyed when she laughs at me and says I'm cute, randomly.

The Beckster - Amazing lil' dudette there, who is an immense cook! Also tells amazing stories ;)

- Absolute awesomeness! Immensely smart, Mexx and I even go to the extent to call her a 'Walking Dictionary'. Everything is cool when it comes to Nasha. So, if it's Nasha, it's cool! Got it?

Stas (pronouced Stace)/ Brybry (pronouced brie-brie) - an amazing gal who just cannot stop laughing at the way I say the word 'disgusting'! I mean, what's so funny about it? (also said in the same accent)

Mexx (Polar Bear/Caveman/Solar Panel/Colon/Coka Cola/Bad Kid Bear)
- We have a lot in common, we're both special in a special way :) I will say no more.

.: Friends :.
Here is a list of some of my friends, who are totally the best!

Freddie - a stylish little guy who is a swimsuit tailor

Miranda - she is Master's PA. Very cute and just genuinely a sweet lil' creature ;)

Bobby - the multi-boxing boxer! He is a boxer as well as a beat-boxer/rapper. Cool, eh!

Jeremy - a really cool dude who is a hypnotist, he works in the same circus as one of my other friends, Clara (see below).

Clara - an extremely talented cat who works in a circus. Very kind as well!

Billy - the coolest kitten around! This cute troublemaker has his own blog too, the address can be found on my blog in the 'Other blogs' section

Harlequin - a hamster that always makes me laugh no matter what! :) I'm still lol-ing about his last joke!

MouseMouse - a smart little mouse who sometimes comes and posts something wonderfully random. He lives inside the computer mouse, that's why he is called MouseMouse!

.: Hobbies :.
Here is a list of my hobbies:
  • Taking rubbish to the bin - it is actually more fun than it sounds, each time I go to the bin it makes me feel refreshed, revitalised and replenished... (no, it is not supposed to sound like a shampoo advert)
  • Listening to music
  • Playing cards - this is so ace! Get it???
  • Reading "Rebel Rodents" (a Gerbilmanian magazine)