.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Friday, 24 May 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #29: 12/05/2013

Monday was a Bank Holiday, but I think it's fair to say that it was no holiday for us lot, in fact it contained a lot of revision. This worked out for everyone because of the glorious technology around us! However, it's also true that there were a few problems, for example, Wadz's microphone kept turning itself down so she was very quiet for some parts.
Also, webcams were a little unstable, consequently making everyone feel a little sea-sick!

Due to missing out on a day of school, everyone's minds were a little jumbled up. Wicks walks into school on Tuesday and says, "What day is it today? Mon-Tuesday?!" To Master, it sounded like a day dedicated to the snack, Munchies (which ANT loves oh so much).

Wednesday morning saw our Form huddling together in form time for a photo. Ruby managed to avoid this as she was unfortunately ill on that particular day, but it's arguable that Master got away with it in a much more creative way. It just happened that in all the photos, because Master was standing in the back row, only her forehead was visible.
Later on, ANT decided that it would be fair that a massive picture of Master's head should be Photoshopped in. The two options to include Ruby were to take a separate photo and cut it out (with a thin white line around the edge so that it's clear to all viewers that it was added separately) and stick it in. Alternatively, we could go 'Woman in Black' style and have her wearing a black veil and Photoshop her into a window. Which idea do you think would have been better?

Wicks noticed that ArwaChihuahua, amongst others, consumes far too many packets of crisps everyday and it should be reduced. Hence, the '1 Packet Rule' for crisps was devised. That's right kids, don't be over-doing anything, a balanced diet is the way to go ;)

One of the main events at breaktime and lunchtime is that ArwaChihuahua and Wicks believe that they are twins (with Wicks being the 'albino twin', as ArwaChihuahua likes to put it).
The word 'albino' led to a little debate. Most of us pronounce it as [al-bee-no], however ANT just has to be different and say [al-bi-no]. And with that, ANT went around trying to subtly convert everyone to pronounce it as she does.

In other lunchtime news, Wicks, ArwaChihuahua, ANT and Master decided to amuse themselves one day by attempting a three-legged race, but without the rope tying their legs together. Believe me, it's actually a lot harder without the rope. They even went on to attempt a five-legged race (skills!) and it did work, to an extent. Such fun ;p

During the middle of the week, the Beckster tells us of how her mother is seemingly obssessed with Commander Chris Hadfield. She is said to most enjoy reading his Tweets and clearly admires the man. Why don't you check out Commander Hadfield's Twitter?

Nearing the end of the week, Master experienced some problems with her locker once again. The area where the locker is just seems to be a people magnet. ANT very much enjoyed watching Master trying to make her way through the crowd. I just don't understand why the spot is so appealing to some.

On the walk back home on Friday, Wadz decided to 'forget' who everyone was, which gave ANT and Master the perfect opportunity to call themselves different names. On this occasion, they were 'Courtney and Dodger', the crime-fighting duo. What dya think?

When we reach ANT's home, ANT appeared to be rather annoyed (well, isn't she always? jokes). There was a skip parked right in front of the house, which no one seemed to be using. ANT explained that it has been annoying her family for quite a few days now. Meanwhile, Wadz and Master thought this was rather amusing.

There was plenty more revision during the weekend. However, when Wadz was meant to be present, and she was not, everyone B-COX-ed her (sent her messages exclusively consisting of 'B-COX').
Otherwise, during the chat, when everyone was there, the written conversation became spammed with a variety of different topics, including fruit and supermarkets.
It was also an emotional/comical moment, when Wadz was hosting the Great Revision Quiz, and ANT just explicitly expresses that she does not care much for the subject that Wadz's quiz was based around. This led to Wadz giving a very much heart-felt speech on what hosting the quiz meant to her. Let me tell you, it meant a lot.

Well, that's it for this week!

Until next week, have a good one :)

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