.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Monday, 28 July 2014

MouseMouseMonday #34: ConscienceSarah's rant

As mentioned in WNR #67, ConscienceSarah was having a rather stressful time writing her History coursework, so she decided to produce a mock-up. Here is said article:

MOCK-UP: What, in your view, were the short term economic impacts of Alexander II's reign?

I can't actually write about the economic impacts of Alexander II's reign because it's been so long since I've done a formal piece of writing I can't remember how. Having spent so much time on social media, my spelling and grammar has gone down the drain and the lack of decent Autocorrect means I actually have to think about each word I type out of fear of the dreaded red squiggly line. I could, however, write for hours about dragons, ancient kingdoms, friendship, lies and old feuds. Unfortunately though, this won't help me pass A-level History and get into university. I really need this coursework as well, or you'll find me, around exam time, huddled in the corner of an empty room crying because I can't write an essay under timed conditions, despite having been practicing for my entire school career.

I'm starting to realise how long I'm going to have to spend writing about Russian economy when I buck my ideas up and actually start writing something worth handing in. I'm pretty sure Da Vinci wouldn't have put up with this, or Einstein, Newton or Aristotle. They would have just walked out to go and discover something that modern life is based around. They might still have got detention though, or the equivalent of.

Great people are so misunderstood.

Unfortunately, I'm not a great person, I'm just really lazy and I can't be bothered to do my work. You know who else is lazy? Pandas. They can't even get off their fat butts to save their own species. And I think that's marginally worse than not handing in your History homework on time. They're decisive inaction could actually shape the future of Planet Earth, whereas my slight inability to concentrate on the task in hand would surely only cause problems for me. That's what the teachers love saying at Sixth Form. Nothing to do with pandas, just that if you don't hand your work in on time, it's only yourself you're causing problems for. And as they so frequently remind us: they've "already done [their] A-levels." Well that's just great isn't it? No words of motivation or encouragement. Just a straight up reminder that all your future academic pain will be self-inflicted. I think I'll end this here, you know. This is roughly how long my economic paragraph has to be so, yeah, why not leave the rant and actually pay attention to the work that will SHAPE THE ENTIRE FUTURE OF MY EXISTENCE!

[End of ConscienceSarah's rant.]

At the end of the day, Sharah managed to complete her coursework.

All's well that ends well :)

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