.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday 28 April 2013

Weekly News Round-Up #26: 21/04/2013

Well it's been a while, hasn't it? But thankfully we are here again with another edition of Weekly News Round-Up...how exciting! Tell you what else is exciting, today is ConscienceSarah's birthday! We all wish that she has a wonderful day :) Expect there to be a post up later on in the day regarding the end of result of the cake Master will make for the occasion...

In other news, during the holidays, we all received our Boccia leadership certificates. The funniest thing was that ArwaChihuahua also got her's, even though she never handed in the paperwork... ;p

On to this week's events...
After returning to the Academy on Tuesday, we had quite an interesting week, filled with religion, blagging, and Maya and Miguel. Now that's what I call a range.

Tuesday's PE lesson saw us all playing a nice game of rounders. Surprisingly, it was a nice day, so sunny that ANT predicted that we would be standing in "sweltering heat" by the end of the session. Afterwards, Wicks and Master praised ANT for the tremendous use of the word 'sweltering'. Whatta great word.

It was predictable that ArwaChihuahua and Wicks had to have at least a little fight to kick off the term. It just happened that at the end of the PE lesson, when we had to pack up, Ruby noticed two figures, one with a pole (for a rounders base) and one with the base for the pole, jousting in the distance. At this point, Ruby turned to Master and asked, "Is that Wicks and ArwaChihuahua?" And, you guessed right, it was.

At lunchtime, ANT and Master had a go at playing the Sherlock Holmes Game (perhaps a more analytical version of the People Game), where they analysed people who happened to be walking by and tried to determine everything about them. Yes, it's highly judgemental, but it's just a bitta fun and we don't take it seriously ;p

Wednesday morning saw us listening to a rather interesting assembly about the true meaning of Easter. The tagline of it was, 'Have you been saying Cadbury more than Christ?' Well there's a question for you all.

On that same day, Wicks saved ArwaChihuahua from falling and facing ultimate humiliation (sort of). I don't know about you, but I had my hopes up that this may have finally paid the blood debt between them, but I was wrong. When we asked ArwaChihuahua, the answer was simply 'no'.

One of the biggest stories of this week has been the possibility that Wadz may finally retire from blagging. After she attempted her personal record of 3 blags in a day, she decided to end her craze. But will her resolution last? We'll keep you posted.

Thursday morning was not a very forgiving one in terms of weather. Most of us walked in with sand in our mouths and eyes from the harsh winds. But to lighten up the mood, Wicks experimented with substituting different names into the Maya and Miguel theme song. Fun times :)

At lunchtime, ANT explained one of her brother's ways to annoy her. I'll tell you now, if you ever see it, it's hilarious! Whenever she does anything remotely stupid, KrazyK, ANT's bro, likes to alternate between clap continuously or doing thumbs up to her face, whilst shouting things along the lines of 'nice one, mate!' or 'good one!' I'd be lying if I said that I'm not considering using this method every once in a while ;)

Friday was a perculiar day, to say the least. There was a Brian Cox look-a-like walking around at breaktime, which never failed to amaze and amuse us.
It seems that the 'too many Griswalds' case has cropped up again, but this time, Wicks, Ruby and Master have found 4 confirmed John Snow's and one part-time John Snow (we imagine that he likes to be called John in his free time). I guess it's not that strange that people should share the same name, but it's still cool!?

To draw this week's Round-Up to an end, Master would like to give a shout-out to Wicks for the wonderful gift of Minecraft (for Master's birthday)! Thank you!

Until next week, have a good one :)

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