.: Greetings, fellow Gerbils! :.

Greetings, fellow gerbils!
Hey there, it's Gerry here! As you may have gathered, I am a gerbil and this is a blog about my life on this planet. I appear to humans through a machine called the GerbilMaestro, which is an exact copy of my master. I control this machine and most of the time pretend to be my master in front of other humans.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thanks a gerbillion!

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Sunday 2 December 2012

Weekly News Round-Up #10: 25/11/2012

Well, I never thought I'd live to write this week's round-up, so count yourselves lucky! Finally, we've all managed to make it through these tough two weeks and come out of our last exam in one piece. Even though there's been plenty of studying, we still made time for humour...

To start off the week, ANT shared her weekend grocery shopping experience. Apparently she was unfortunate in having a till worker, Keith, who was very slow (to be fair, ANT said he was something like 80 years old and his hands were shaking). ANT described the person behind her in the queue to wear a look that practically said, 'Why didn't you tell me about how slow he is?' However, ANT managed to make her situation a lot more fun whilst waiting by singing 'Eye of the Tiger', in her head, whilst Keith gradually worked his way through the pile of shopping. Oh lol ;p

In this week's lunchtime discussions, I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear that the 'can blind people play boccia' argument has officially been resolved! It turns out that when we asked the boccia instructor in PE, he said that "people who are visually impaired can play, they just have someone click their fingers where the ball is". So, there you have it: blind people can play boccia. Lol at ArwaChihuahua's attempts at trying to put everyone down by saying, "but they can't play strategically as they can't see where any of the other balls are". As you can imagine, ANT got quite annoyed by this.

In other discussion topics, ANT, ArwaChihuahua, Wicks and Master have launced a full-on debate about which subject is more useful: Information Technology (IT) or Religious Education (RE). ANT is fighting on the side of IT, therefore ArwaChihuahua naturally fights for the opposition, RE. Meanwhile, Wicks and Master are sort of sitting on the fence. Wicks believes that the subjects are too different to compare, whilst Master is inclined more towards the IT side. What are your thoughts?

Our other discussion topic is: can you look smart in jeans? ANT claims that, as long as you pair your jeans with a nice top, you can look smart. Of course, this means that ArwaChihuahua feels the need to disagree and say that jeans are only for casual wear. Who do you agree with, ANT or ArwaChihuahua?

In the middle of the week, Wicks and Master end up discussing how to spell 'piece'. Wicks thought it was 'ei' but Master believed it the be 'ie'. Then, they developed a nice little saying to remember the spelling, 'piece if pie'. If this has helped anybody else, then I am most glad.
Their conversation later shifted to the previous week's TCP discussion. Treatment of ulcers was discussed. Bonjella, in particular, made an appearance in the conversation, which lead them to talk about the new Bonjella ulcer plaster. Wicks announced that she felt it was a disgusting idea to put a plaster inside the mouth. Being plaster-phobic isn't a particularly useful quality for an aspiring doctor, well, vet to be precise. I'm sure we'll find a way around it.

Towards the end of the week, we had a few hectic lunchtimes. One day, Wadz had sushi, so naturally it came with some soy sauce. ANT started pressurising Wadz to down it, but Wadz wisely refused. However, ArwaChihuahua volunteered to do it. ANT promised that if ArwaChihuahua did it, she would get their paint out in Art (ANT often complains how unfair it is that ArwaChihuahua never gets the paint out). After ArwaChihuahua downed it, Ruby asked why she did it, and in response ANT blurted out, "YOLO!" Oh lol ;p

For this week's assembly update, it was house assembly so there was no music act. I shall insist that the record is still going as we did not have a proper assembly.

At the end of the week, we walked home with ConscienceSarah. I can't exactly remember how the conversation went, but it ended with ConscienceSarah describing herself as a 'chocolate-covered cabbage with a caramel centre'?! Yes, I'm also slightly worried. Who agrees with ConscienceSarah's description of herself?

Until next week, have a good one :)

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